489. 相比之下, 那些在世时活在天堂之爱中的人, 其生命的快乐则转化为诸如存在于天堂中的那类对应物; 这类事物源于天堂的太阳及其光, 这光使得诸如有神性之物藏在里面的那类事物呈为可见. 出现在这光中的事物感动天使心智的内层, 同时感动属于其身体的外层; 由于神性之光, 也就是从主发出的神性真理, 流入他们那被天堂之爱打开的心智, 所以它在外在形式上呈现出诸如对应于他们的爱之快乐的那类事物. 在论述天堂的代表和表象(天国的奥秘 170-176节), 以及天使的智慧(天国的奥秘 265-275节)等章节, 我已经解释了在天堂, 呈现在天使眼前的事物对应于天使的内层, 或对应于属其信与爱, 因而属其聪明与智慧的事物.
由于我已经开始通过来自亲身经历的例子证实了这一点, 以阐明之前基于事物起因的论述, 所以对于那些在世时活在天堂之爱中的人其属世快乐所转化的天堂快乐事物, 我想简述一些细节. 那些出于内在情感, 或出于对真理本身的情感而热爱神性真理和圣言的人, 在来世住在光明中, 在看似大山的高处; 在那里始终沐浴在天堂之光中. 他们完全不知道像世上黑夜那样的黑暗, 同时生活在春天般的气候中. 呈现在他们眼前的, 是满了谷物的田地和葡萄园. 他们家里的一切都闪闪发光, 好像是用宝石做的; 透过他们的窗户观看就像透过明净的水晶观看. 这些是他们的视觉快乐; 但它们因与神性属天事物相对应, 故也是内在快乐; 因为他们所热爱的取自圣言的真理对应于庄稼地, 葡萄园, 宝石, 窗户和水晶.
那些将取自圣言的教会教义直接运用于生活的人住在至内层天堂, 在智慧的快乐上超越其他所有人. 他们在每个物体中都能看到神性之物; 事实上, 他们也用眼睛看见这些物体; 但相对应的神性事物会直接流入其心智, 并以感染其一切感觉的祝福充满他们. 因此, 他们眼前的一切事物似乎都在欢笑, 玩耍, 活着(关于这一点, 参看270节).
那些热爱知识, 由此发展理性官能, 获得聪明, 同时承认神性的人, 其知识上的快乐和推理的乐趣在来世转化为属灵快乐, 就是以认识良善与真理为快乐. 他们住在花园里, 在那里可以看到优美排列的花坛和草坪, 周围有一排排树木, 凉亭和散步的小路, 花木逐日变换. 整个视景以一种总体方式给他们的心智带来快乐, 具体的变换则不断更新快乐. 此外, 由于那里的一切事物都对应于某种神性事物, 而他们又精通对应知识, 所以他们不断充满新知识, 其属灵的理性官能通过这些知识得以完善. 他们之所以享有这些快乐, 是因为花园, 花坛, 草坪, 树木对应于知识, 洞见和由此产生的聪明.
那些将一切事物都归于神性, 视自然界相对来说如同死物, 只是从属于属灵之物, 并确认这种观念的人处于天堂之光; 出现在他们眼前的一切事物因天堂之光而变得透明, 在透明中又呈现出无数光影; 其内在视觉似乎直接吸收这些光影, 他们由此感知内在快乐. 他们家里的物品看似都由钻石制成, 同样呈现出无数光影.
我被告知, 其房子的墙壁看似水晶, 因而也是透明的; 其中能看见代表天堂事物的看似流动形式的东西, 同样不断变换. 这是因为当理解力被主启示, 对属世事物的信与爱所产生的阴影被移除时, 这种透明就对应于理解力. 像这样的事物和无限其它事物就是那些曾在天堂的人所谈论的, 他们声称看见了眼睛从未看见的东西; 凭着传给他们的在这方面对神性事物的理解, 他们听见了耳朵从未听见的东西.
那些不暗中行事, 而是愿意在世间法律允许的范围内将他们所思的一切都公开, 因其思维由于神性而无不诚实, 公正的人到了天堂, 他们的脸便容光焕发. 在这光中, 其思维和情感的一切细节都显现在脸上, 如同显现在它的形式中; 在其言语和行为中, 它们就像其情感的形像. 因此, 他们比其他人更招人喜爱. 他们说话的时候, 脸变得稍微暗淡; 但一说完, 他们所说的事物又在脸上充分显现出来. 此外, 由于他们周围的一切事物都对应于他们的内层, 所以一切事物都具有这样一种表象: 其他人能清楚看到它们代表并表示什么. 以暗中行事为快乐的灵人尽可能地远离他们; 觉得自己像蛇一样从他们身边溜走.
那些视奸淫为可憎的事, 活在贞洁的婚姻之爱中的人, 比其他所有人都更处于天堂的秩序和形式. 这赋予他们全然的美丽和永恒的花样年华. 其爱的快乐无法形容, 而且会增长到永恒. 这是因为天堂的一切欢喜和快乐都流入婚姻之爱, 因为这爱是从主与天堂并教会的结合, 以及总体上良善与真理的结合那里降下来的, 而良善与真理的结合就是在总体上和具体的每位天使里面的天堂本身(参看366-386节). 他们的外在快乐如此美妙, 以至于无法以人类的言语来形容. 不过, 这些只是我所说关于处于天堂之爱的人其快乐的对应关系的那些事中的一小部分.
注: 在圣言中, “庄稼”表示源于良善的真理的接受和生长的状态(天国的奥秘 9294节). “站着的禾稼”表示孕育中的真理(天国的奥秘 9146节), “葡萄园”表示属灵教会和该教会的真理(天国的奥秘 1069, 9139节). “宝石”表示因良善而透明的天堂和教会的真理(天国的奥秘 114, 9863, 9865, 9868, 9873, 9905节). “窗户”表示属于内在视觉的理智功能(天国的奥秘 655, 658, 3391节). “花园”, “小树林”和“园子”表示聪明(天国的奥秘 100, 108, 3220节). 这就是为何古人在小树林中举行神圣敬拜(天国的奥秘 2722, 4552节). “花”和“花坛”表示所学的真理和知识(天国的奥秘 9553节). “灌木”, “青草”和“草坪”表示所学的真理(天国的奥秘 7571节). “树木”表示觉知和知识(天国的奥秘 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 7692节).
489. 反之, 在人間以天國之仁生活的人, 其生命的樂趣將轉化為天國相應的事物, 這些事物是從天國的太陽及其光明所產生的。它們在光明中顯現出來, 神聖的本質藏於其中。天人看到這些事物, 身心受到觸動。主所發的聖理流入其為天國之仁所開啟的心靈, 在外境中顯出與其所愛相應的事物。顯于天人眼前的天國之物與他們的心靈或與他們的信與仁相對應, 因而也是與他們的聰明和智慧相對應。
前面我透過我的親身經歷來證實所提出的觀點, 以闡明之前所推斷的義理, 下面我同樣透過經歷來說明在人間以天國之仁生活的人其物質之樂將如何轉化為天國之樂。
以深切之情熱愛聖理和聖言的人住在高山之啟, 恒常沐浴在天國的光明中。對他們來說, 深夜的黑暗並不存在, 而且他們始終生活在春天的氣候當中。在他們周圍是碩果累累的田地和果園, 在他們房裡, 每樣物品似乎都由閃光的寶石做成, 窗戶也如同明淨的水晶。這些是視覺上的快樂, 但它同時也是內在的快樂, 因為它與神性和天國的實質相應——他們所熱愛之聖言的真理與碩果累累的田地, 葡萄園, 寶石, 明淨如水晶的窗戶相對應。
將教會憑聖言所作的教導直接應用於生活的人住在內層天, 最能享受智慧之樂。他們從具體的事物看到神性的實質。一方面, 物體顯現於眼前, 另一方面, 與之對應的神性實質直接流入其心, 使其充滿幸福的感覺, 傳遍周身。所以, 他們眼前的一切似乎都在歡笑雀躍。
熱愛學問並通過學問提高理性, 從中獲得悟性, 同時承認上帝者, 其熱愛學問和思考推理的快樂在靈界將轉化為親身體認善與理的快樂。他們住在樂園之中, 其中花床, 草坪優雅成型, 帶有拱廊, 幽徑的樹林環繞周圍。花草樹木逐日變換。如斯美景愉悅其心, 具體的變換又使其快樂保持常新。再者, 由於這一切與神性實質相應, 而他們又熟悉對應, 所以他們能不斷獲得新的洞見, 心靈的理性也能日臻完善。他們享受這些快樂, 因為樂園, 花床, 草坪, 樹林與知識, 洞見, 聰明是對應的。
將造化歸於神性, 視自然本無生命, 只是靈界附屬的人, 處於天國的光明之中。其眼中所見的一切因天國之光而顯得透明, 透明中又呈現無數條光影。其心靈的視覺似乎能透視其中, 因而獲得深切的快樂。其房內的物品看似由鑽石做成, 同樣呈現無數條光影。我被告知, 其房子的牆壁看似明淨的水晶, 其中流動著象徵屬天之性的具有無限多樣性的液體。這是因為透明與被主照亮的理解是相對應的, 物質的觀念和欲望所投射的陰影已不復存在。曾造訪天國的人說他們看見了眼睛未曾看見, 耳朵也未曾聽見的事物, 指的就是這樣的事物, 此外還有很多很多。
行事光明磊落, 不喜歡偷偷摸摸的人, 其思想因信上帝而無不誠實公平, 等進入天國, 他們的面孔顯得容光煥發。由此榮光, 其思想和情感具體而微地從臉上透現出來, 在言語和行為中, 其情感真實地表現出來。他們是最可愛的人。說話的時候, 他們的臉稍微暗淡下來, 說完以後, 所說的事物又從他們臉上充分地顯示出來。再者, 他們周圍的一切都與其心靈相應, 以致旁人能從中洞見它們的象徵和意蘊。喜歡偷偷摸摸的靈盡可能地遠離他們, 像蛇一樣迅速地溜走。
視行淫為可憎, 過聖潔婚姻生活的人, 最合乎天國的次序和形態。正因如此, 他們顯得全然美麗, 永葆花樣年華。他們的快樂無以言啟, 且不斷增長, 直到永遠。天國所有的快樂都流入那婚姻之愛, 因為那愛源于主與天國並教會的結合, 源於善與理的結合。籠統而言, 如此結合就是天國;具體而言, 它是每位天人心裡的天國。他們的快樂妙不可言, 非人間的語言所能形容。
對於擁有天國之仁者其快樂將如何轉化, 以上只是一個扼要的說明。
489. In contrast, the life pleasures of people who have lived in heavenly love in the world change into the kinds of corresponding things that exist in the heavens, things that come into being from heaven's sun and from its light. The things which that light renders visible have hidden within them divine realities. What comes to view from this source moves the deeper reaches of angels' minds and the outer levels of their bodies as well; and since a divine light (which is divine truth emanating from the Lord) is flowing into their minds, which have been opened by heavenly love, it presents in outward form things that answer to the pleasures of their love. In the chapter that dealt with representations and appearances in heaven (170-176) and the chapter on the wisdom of heaven's angels (265-275), I have explained that the things presented to angels' sight in the heavens answer to their own deeper natures or to elements of their faith and love, and therefore to their intelligence [and] wisdom.
[2] Since I have begun supporting this general proposition by examples drawn from my experience, to shed light on what has been said so far on the basis of the causes of things, I should also like to bring in at this point something about the heavenly pleasures into which the natural pleasures turn for people who live in heavenly love in the world.
People who have loved divine truths and the Word from a deep affection, or from an affection for the truth itself, live in the light, in uplands that look like mountains, and are constantly bathed in the light of heaven there. They know nothing of the kind of darkness we have at night in the world, and they live in a springtime climate as well. Their scenery offers them views like fields ripe for harvest and vineyards. Everything in their houses gleams as though it were made of precious stones. Looking through their windows is like looking through pure crystal. These are their visual pleasures; but they are actually deeper pleasures because of their correspondence with divine heavenly qualities, since the truths from the Word that they have loved correspond to the harvest fields, vineyards, precious stones, windows, and crystals. 1
[3] People who have applied the teachings of the church from the Word directly to their lives are in the inmost heaven and more than anyone else are absorbed in the pleasures of wisdom. They see divine realities in particular objects. They actually do see the objects, but the corresponding divine realities flow directly into their minds and fill them with a sense of blessedness that affects all their sensory functions. As a result, everything they see seems to laugh and play and live (on this, see above, 270).
[4] If people have loved learning and have developed their rational ability accordingly and thereby gained intelligence, and if they have acknowledged the Divine Being at the same time, their delight in knowledge and pleasure in reasoning changes in the other life into a spiritual pleasure that is the delight of firsthand knowledge of what is good and true. They live in gardens where you can see flower beds and lawns beautifully marked off, surrounded by rows of trees with arcades and promenades. The trees and flowers change from day to day. Looking at all this brings pleasure to their minds generally, and the specific changes make it constantly new. Further, since all this corresponds to divine qualities, and since these people are drawn to their knowledge of correspondences, they are constantly being filled with new insights and thereby having their spiritual rational faculty perfected. They enjoy these pleasures because gardens, flower beds, lawns, and trees correspond to information, insights, and the intelligence that ensues. 2
[5] If people have given the Divine credit for everything and regarded nature as relatively dead, simply subservient to spiritual concerns, and if they have convinced themselves of this, they are in heavenly light; and everything that presents itself to their eyes derives a kind of translucence from that light. In that translucency they see innumerable shadings of light that their inner sight seems to drink directly in. This is how they perceive deeper pleasures. The objects in their houses look like diamonds with similar variegations of light. I have been told that their walls look like crystal and are therefore also translucent, and that within them one can see what looks like fluid forms representative of heavenly things, again with constant variety. This is because this kind of translucence corresponds to an intellect that has been enlightened by the Lord, with the shadows that arise from faith in and love of natural things taken away. Things like this - and infinitely more - are what people who have been in heaven are talking about when they say that they have seen what the eye has never seen, and that from the grasp of divine things conveyed to them in this connection, they have heard what the ear has never heard.
[6] If people have not acted covertly but have wanted everything they were thinking to be out in the open to the extent that civil law allows, then since they have thought nothing but what was honest and fair because of the Deity, in heaven their faces are radiant. Because of that radiance, the details of their thoughts and affections are visible in their faces as though presented in a form; and in both speech and action they are virtual images of their feelings. They are more beloved than others. When they are talking, their faces dim a little, but after they have spoken, then the very things they have said can be fully and plainly seen in their faces. Further, since everything around them answers to their deeper natures, everything takes on a countenance that enables others to see clearly what they represent and mean. Spirits who have found pleasure in covert activity get as far from them as they can, and seem to themselves to slither away from them like snakes.
[7] People who have regarded adultery as unspeakable and have lived in chaste love of their marriage are more in the pattern and form of heaven than anyone else. This gives them a total beauty and a constant flower of youth. The pleasures of their love are indescribable, and increase to eternity. This is because all the joys and delights of heaven flow into that love; and this in turn is because that love comes down from the Lord's union with heaven and with the church and in general from the union of the good and the true that is heaven in general and in every individual angel in particular (see above, 366-386). Their external pleasures are so wonderful that they cannot be described in human words.
Still, what I have said about the correspondences of pleasures for people who are involved in heavenly love is only a little.
1. A harvest in the Word means a state of acceptance and growth of what is true because of the good: Arcana Coelestia 9291. Standing grain means truth being conceived: 9146. Vineyards mean the spiritual church and the truths of that church: 1069, 9139. Precious stones mean truths of heaven and of the church translucent from the good: 114, 9863, 9865, 9868, 9873, 9905. Windows mean the intellectual function of our inner sight: 655, 658, 3391.
2. Gardens, groves, and parks mean intelligence: 100, 103, 3220. Therefore the early people held their holy worship in groves: 2722, 4552. Flowers and flower beds mean truths of information and insight: 9553. Small plants, grasses, and lawns mean true information: 7571. Trees mean perceptions and insights: 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 7692.
489. But the delights of life of those who have lived in the world in heavenly love are changed into such corresponding things as are in the heavens, which come into existence from the Sun of heaven and its light, that light presenting to view such things as have what is Divine inwardly concealed in them. The things that appear in that light affect the interiors of the minds of the angels, and at the same time the exteriors pertaining to their bodies; and as the Divine light, which is Divine Truth going forth from the Lord, flows into their minds opened by heavenly love, it presents outwardly such things as correspond to the delights of their love. It has already been shown, in the section on representatives and appearances in heaven (170-176), and in the section on the wisdom of the angels (265-275), that the things that appear to the sight in the heavens correspond to the interiors of angels, or to the things pertaining to their faith and love and thus to their intelligence and wisdom.
[2] Having already begun to establish this point by examples from experience, to make clearer what has been previously said on the ground of causes of things, I would state briefly some particulars respecting the heavenly delights into which the natural delights of those who have lived in heavenly love in the world are changed. Those who have loved Divine truths and the Word from an interior affection, or from an affection of the truth itself dwell in the other life in light, in elevated places that appear like mountains, where they are continually in the light of heaven. They do not know what darkness is, like that of night in the world; they live also in a vernal temperature; there are presented to their view fields filled with grain and vineyards; in their houses everything glows as if from precious stones; and looking through the windows is like looking through pure crystal. Such are the delights of their vision; but these same things are interiorly delightful because of their being from correspondences with Divine heavenly things, for the truths from the Word which they have loved correspond to fields of grain, vineyards, precious stones, windows, and crystals. 1
[3] Those who have applied the doctrinals of the Church which are from the Word immediately to life, are in the inmost heaven, and surpass all others in their delights of wisdom. In every object they see what is Divine; the objects they see indeed with their eyes; but the corresponding Divine things flow in immediately into their minds and fill them with a blessedness that affects all their sensations. Thus, before their eyes all things seem to laugh, to play, and to live (see above, 270).
[4] Those who have loved knowledges and have thereby cultivated their rational and acquired intelligence, and at the same time have acknowledged the Divine-in the other life have their pleasure in knowledges, and their rational delight changed into spiritual delight, which is delight in cognitions of good and truth. They dwell in gardens where flower beds and grass plots are seen beautifully arranged, with rows of trees round about, and arbours, and walks, the trees and flowers changing from day to day. The entire view imparts delight to their minds in a general way, and the variations in detail continually renew the delight; and as these correspond to Divine things, and they are in the knowledge of correspondences, they are constantly filled with new cognitions, and by these their spiritual rational is perfected. Their delights are such because gardens, flower beds, grass plots, and trees correspond to sciences, cognitions, and the resulting intelligence. 2
[5] Those who have ascribed all things to the Divine, regarding nature as relatively dead and merely subservient to things spiritual, and have confirmed themselves in this view, are in heavenly light; and all things that appear before their eyes are made by that light transparent, and in their transparency exhibit innumerable variegations of light, which their internal sight takes in, as it were, directly, and from this they perceive interior delights. The things seen within their houses are as if made of diamonds, with similar variegations of light. The walls of their houses, as already said, are like crystal, and thus also transparent; and in them seemingly flowing forms representative of heavenly things are seen also with unceasing variety, and this because such transparency corresponds to the understanding when it has been enlightened by the Lord and when the shadows that arise from a belief in, and love for natural things have been removed. With reference to such things and infinite others, it is said by those who have been in heaven that they have seen what eye has never seen; and from a perception of Divine things communicated to them by those who are there, that they have heard what ear has never heard.
[6] Those who have not acted in secret ways, but have been willing to have all that they have thought made known so far as civil life would permit, because their thoughts have all been in accord with what is honest and just from the Divine-in heaven have faces full of light; and in that light every least affection and thought is seen in the face as in its form, and in their speech and actions they are like images of their affections. Such, therefore, are more loved than others. While they are speaking the face becomes a little obscured; but as soon as they have spoken, the things they have said become plainly manifest all at once in the face. And as all the objects that come into existence round about them correspond to their interiors, these assume such an appearance that others can clearly perceive what they represent and signify. Spirits who have found delight in clandestine acts, when they see such at a distance flee from them, and appear to themselves to creep away from them like serpents.
[7] Those who have regarded adulteries as abominable, and have lived in a chaste love of marriage, are more than all others in the order and form of heaven, and therefore in all beauty, and continue unceasingly in the flower of youth. The delights of their love are ineffable, and increase to eternity; for all the delights and joys of heaven flow into that love, because that love descends from the conjunction of the Lord with heaven and with the Church, and in general from the conjunction of good and truth, which conjunction is heaven itself in general, and with each angel in particular (see above, 366-386). What their external delights are, it is impossible to describe in human words. These are only a few of the things that have been told about the correspondences of the delights of those who are in heavenly love.
1. In the Word a "field of corn" signifies a state of the reception and growth of truth from good (Arcana Coelestia 9294).
"Standing corn" signifies truth in conception (Arcana Coelestia 9146).
"Vineyards" signify the spiritual Church and the truths of that Church (Arcana Coelestia 1069, 9139).
"Precious stones' signify the truths of heaven and of the Church transparent from good (Arcana Coelestia 114, 9863, 9865, 9868, 9873, 9905).
A "window" signifies the intellectual faculty which pertains to the internal sight (Arcana Coelestia 655, 658, 3391).
2. "garden", a "grove", and a "park", signify intelligence (Arcana Coelestia 100, 108, 3220).
This is why the ancients celebrated holy worship in groves (Arcana Coelestia 2722, 4552).
"Flowers" and "flower beds" signify scientific truths and cognitions (Arcana Coelestia 9553).
"Herbs", "grasses", and "grass plots" scientific truths (Arcana Coelestia 7571).
"Trees" signify perceptions and cognitions (Arcana Coelestia 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 7692).
489. But the delights of life of those that have lived in the world in heavenly love are changed into such corresponding things as exist in the heavens, which spring from the sun of heaven and its light, that light presenting to view such things as have what is Divine inwardly concealed in them. The things that appear in that light affect the interiors of the minds of the angels, and at the same time the exteriors pertaining to their bodies; and as the Divine light, which is Divine truth going forth from the Lord, flows into their minds opened by heavenly love, it presents outwardly such things as correspond to the delights of their love. It has already been shown, in the chapter on representatives and appearances in heaven (170-176), and in the chapter on the wisdom of the angels (265-275), that the things that appear to the sight in the heavens correspond to the interiors of angels, or to the things pertaining to their faith and love and thus to their intelligence and wisdom.
[2] Having already begun to establish this point by examples from experience, to make clearer what has been previously said on the ground of causes of things I will state briefly some particulars respecting the heavenly delightful things into which the natural delights of those that have lived in heavenly love in the world are changed. Those that have loved Divine truths and the Word from an interior affection, or from an affection for truth itself, dwell in the other life in light, in elevated places that appear like mountains, where they are continually in the light of heaven. They do not know what darkness is, like that of night in the world; they live also in a vernal temperature; there are presented to their view fields filled with grain and vine-yards; in their houses everything glows as if from precious stones; and looking through the windows is like looking through pure crystal. Such are the delights of their vision; but these same things are interiorly delightful because of their being correspondences of Divine heavenly things, for the truths from the Word which they have loved correspond to fields of grain, vineyards, precious stones, windows, and crystals. 1
[3] Those that have applied the doctrinals of the church which are from the Word immediately to life, are in the inmost heaven, and surpass all others in their delights of wisdom. In every object they see what is Divine; the objects they see indeed with their eyes; but the corresponding Divine things flow in immediately into their minds and fill them with a blessedness that affects all their sensations. Thus before their eyes all things seem to laugh, to play, and to live (see above, 270).
[4] Those that have loved knowledges and have thereby cultivated their rational faculty and acquired intelligence, and at the same time have acknowledged the Divine-these in the other life have their pleasure in knowledges, and their rational delight changed into spiritual delight, which is delight in knowing good and truth. They dwell in gardens where flower beds and grass plots are seen beautifully arranged, with rows of trees round about, and arbors and walks, the trees and flowers changing from day to day. The entire view imparts delight to their minds in a general way, and the variations in detail continually renew the delight; and as everything there corresponds to something Divine, and they are skilled in the knowledge of correspondences, they are constantly filled with new knowledges, and by these their spiritual rational faculty is perfected. Their delights are such because gardens, flower beds, grass plots, and trees correspond to sciences, knowledges, and the resulting intelligence. 2
[5] Those that have ascribed all things to the Divine, regarding nature as relatively dead and merely subservient to things spiritual, and have confirmed themselves in this view, are in heavenly light; and all things that appear before their eyes are made by that light transparent, and in their transparency exhibit innumerable variegations of light, which their internal sight takes in as it were directly, and from this they perceive interior delights. The things seen within their houses are as if made of diamonds, with similar variegations of light. The walls of their houses, as already said, are like crystal, and thus also transparent; and in them seemingly flowing forms representative of heavenly things are seen also with unceasing variety, and this because such transparency corresponds to the understanding when it has been enlightened by the Lord and when the shadows that arise from a belief in and love for natural things have been removed. With reference to such things and infinite others, it is said by those that have been in heaven that they have seen what eye has never seen; and from a perception of Divine things communicated to them by those who are there, that they have heard what ear has never heard.
[6] Those that have not acted in secret ways, but have been willing to have all that they have thought made known so far as civil life would permit, because their thoughts have all been in accord with what is honest and just from the Divine-these in heaven have faces full of light; and in that light every least affection and thought is seen in the face as in its form, and in their speech and actions they are like images of their affections. Such, therefore, are more loved than others. While they are speaking the face becomes a little obscured; but as soon as they have spoken, the things they have said become plainly manifest all at once in the face. And as all the objects that exist round about them correspond to their interiors, these assume such an appearance that others can clearly perceive what they represent and signify. Spirits that have found delight in clandestine acts, when they see such at a distance flee from them, and appear to themselves to creep away from them like serpents.
[7] Those that have regarded adulteries as abominable, and have lived in a chaste love of marriage, are more than all others in the order and form of heaven, and therefore in all beauty, and continue unceasingly in the flower of youth. The delights of their love are ineffable, and increase to eternity; for all the delights and joys of heaven flow into that love, because that love descends from the conjunction of the Lord with heaven and with the church, and in general from the conjunction of good and truth, which conjunction is heaven itself in general, and with each angel in particular (see above, 366-386). What their outward delights are it is impossible to describe in human words. These are only a few of the things that have been told me about the correspondences of the delights of those that are in heavenly love.
489. Jucunda autem vitae illorum, qui in amore caelesti in mundo vixerunt, vertuntur in correspondentia, qualia sunt in caelis, quae existunt ex Sole caeli, et ex luce inde, quae lux ad visum sistit talia, quae intus in se recondunt Divina: illa quae inde apparent, afficiunt angelorum interiora quae mentis eorum sunt, ac simul exteriora quae corporis eorum: et quia Divina Lux, quae est Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, influit in mentes eorum, quae per amorem caelestem apertae sunt, ideo in externis sistit talia quae correspondent jucundis amoris illorum.Quod illa, quae ad visum apparent in caelis, correspondeant interioribus angelorum, seu illis quae sunt fidei et amoris ac inde intelligentiae et sapientiae illorum, in articulo ubi actum est de Repraesentativis et Apparentiis in Caelo (170-176), et in articulo ubi de Sapientia Angelorum Caeli (265-275), ostensum est.
[2] Quoniam ab experientiae exemplis inceptum est confirmare hanc rem, ut illustrentur quae ex rerum causis prius dicta sunt, velim etiam aliqua de jucundis caelestibus, in quae vertuntur jucunda naturalia apud illos qui in caelesti amore vivunt in mundo, in medium afferre. Qui Divina vera ac Verbum amaverunt ex affectione interiore, seu ex affectione ipsius veri, illi in altera vita habitant in luce, in editis locis, quae apparent sicut montes, et ibi in luce caeli continue sunt: non sciunt quid tenebrae quales sunt noctis in mundo; et quoque in temperie verna vivunt. Ad aspectum eorum sistuntur quasi agri et messes, et quoque vineae; in domibus eorum fulgent singula sicut ex lapidibus pretiosis; aspectus eorum per fenestras est sicut per pura crystalla: haec jucunda visus eorum sunt, sed eadem haec interius jucunda sunt ex correspondentiis cum Divinis caelestibus; nam vera quae ex Verbo, quae amaverunt, correspondent messibus, vineis, lapidibus pretiosis, fenestris et crystallis. 1
[3] Illi qui doctrinalia ecclesiae, quae ex Verbo, statim applicuerunt vitae, in intimo caelo sunt, ac prae ceteris in jucundo sapientiae; in singulis objectis vident Divina; objecta quidem vident, sed Divina correspondentia influunt statim in mentes eorum, ac illas implent beatitudine, qua omnes eorum sensationes afficiuntur; inde omnia coram oculis illorum quasi rident, ludunt, et vivunt. (De his videatur supra, 270)
[4] Qui scientias amaverunt, et per illas rationale suum excoluerunt, et inde sibi comparaverunt intelligentiam, et simul agnoverunt Divinum, illorum voluptas scientiarum, et jucundum rationale, vertitur in altera vita in jucundum spirituale, quod est cognitionum boni et veri. In hortis habitant, ubi apparent floreta et vireta in areas pulchre distincta, et circumcirca ordines ex arboribus cum porticibus et ambulacris; arbores et flores indies variantur; aspectus omnium sistit jucunda mentibus eorum in communi, ac varietates in particulari jugiter innovant illa: et quia correspondent Divinis, ac illi in scientia correspondentiarum sunt, novis semper cognitionibus implentur, et per illas perficitur rationale eorum spirituale. Haec jucunda illis sunt, quia horti, floreta, vireta, et arbores correspondent scientiis, cognitionibus, et inde intelligentiae. 2
[5] Qui omnia addixerunt Divino, et naturam respective ut mortuam spectaverunt, modo inservientem spiritualibus, ac semet in eo confirmaverunt, illi in caelesti luce sunt, ac omnia quae coram oculis eorum apparent, ab illa luce trahunt quod pelluceant; et in pellucentia illa spectant innumerabiles variegationes lucis, quas visus eorum internus quasi immediate haurit; inde percipiunt jucunda interiora. Illa quae in domibus eorum apparent, sunt quasi adamantina, in quibus similes variegationes. Dictum est, quod parietes domuum eorum sint quasi crystallini, ita quoque pellucentes, et in illis apparent quasi fluentes formae rerum caelestium repraesentativae, etiam cum perpetua varietate, et haec, quia talis pellucentia correspondet intellectui illustrato a Domino, remotis umbris ex fide et amore naturalium. Talia sunt, et infinita alia, de quibus, ab illis qui in caelo fuerunt, dicitur quod viderint quae nusquam oculus vidit; et ex perceptione Divinorum ex illis secum communicata, quod audiverint quae nusquam auris audivit.
[6] Qui non clandestine egerunt, sed voluerunt ut omnia quae cogitant palam essent, quantum vita civilis permisit, illi quia non nisi quam sincerum et justum ex Divino cogitaverunt, in caelo lucent facie, et in facie ex luce illa apparent singulae affectiones et cogitationes prout in forma, et quoad loquelam et actiones sunt quasi suarum affectionum effigies. Amantur inde prae aliis. Cum loquuntur, obscurescit aliquantum facies, sed post loquelam eadem quae locuti sunt, apparent simul in facie plene ad visum. Omnia etiam quae circum illos existunt, quia correspondent interioribus eorum, in tali apparentia sunt, ut ab aliis percipiantur clare quid repraesentant et significant. Spiritus, quibus jucundum fuit clandestine agere, illos e longinquo fugiunt, et apparent sibi repere ab illis sicut serpentes.
[7] Qui adulteria pro nefandis reputaverunt, et in casto amore conjugii vixerunt, illi prae reliquis in ordine et forma caeli sunt, et inde in omni pulchritudine, et continue in juventutis flore: jucunda amoris illorum sunt ineffabilia, et crescunt in aeternum; nam in illum amorem omnia jucunda et gaudia caeli influunt, quia ille amor descendit ex conjunctione Domini cum caelo et cum ecclesia, et in genere ex conjunctione boni et veri, quae conjunctio est ipsum caelum in communi, et apud unumquemvis angelum in particulari (videatur supra, 366-386). Jucunda eorum externa, talia sunt, ut non describi vocibus humanis possint. Sed haec pauca sunt, quae de correspondentiis jucundorum apud illos qui in caelesti amore sunt, dicta sunt.