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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第120节






120、人若不知道宇宙万物都关乎良善与真理,以及任何事物之完美离不开这两者的合一,也就不知道教会的诸事务都与信仰和爱有关,使教会深入人心离不开这两者的合一 (7752-776291869224)。宇宙间按照神性秩序设计的万事万物,都关乎良善与真理以及它们的珠联璧合 (2452316643904409523272561012210555)。真理属于信仰,良善属于爱 (43524997717810367)。这就是在本书11-27节中讨论良善和真理的原因。理解了良善和真理的特性,以及当它们合一或分离时各自的光景,人可以在前面的描述里,简单的用‘爱’置换‘良善’,用‘信仰’置换‘真理’,然后据此落实在行动上。从而得出判断,总结出信仰和爱的关系。

若想成为真正的人,就必须知道人的各方面都与他内在的认知和意志,以及它们的协同有关。不知道这些的人,就不能清楚地知道教会的各个方面,都与信仰和爱以及它们的协同有关,只有如此教会才可以深入人心 (22317752-77549224999510122)。人有两种基本能力,一种被称为认知,另一种被称为意志 (64180336233539)。认知是为了接受真理而设计,因此关乎信仰的道理;意志是为接受良善而设计,所以关乎爱的内涵 (9300993010064)。这就是为什么在本书28-35节里,讨论意志和认知的原因。通过那些讨论,在了解了当信仰与爱协同时,以及当它们背离时各自不同的光景,并思考活在意志里的爱,和活在认知里的信,人就可以得出关于信仰和爱的结论。

人都有内在和外在,或者内在之人和外在之人;属天堂的一切都联结于人的内在,而属世的诸事都发生在他的外在,内在与外在之人的联结就像是灵界和物质界的联结。人若不知道这些,就不知道什么是属灵信仰和属灵之爱 (439251328610)。 人有内在之人和外在之人,内在之人是属灵之人,而外在之人是俗世之人 (9781015445963099701-9709)。真正的信仰是属灵的,若信仰扎根于内在之人,这就是真信仰,爱也一样 (159439878443)。此外,人越热爱信仰的真理,这真理于他就越有灵性 (15943987)。本书前面36-53节讲述了内在之人和外在之人。通过比较信仰和爱具有灵性时的光景,以及没有灵性时的光景,就可以对信仰和爱做出总结,并推论出何种信仰和爱能成就教会,何者不能。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 120

120. From Secrets of Heaven

If people do not know that everything in the universe goes back to goodness and truth and that these two must be joined together if they are to accomplish anything, they also do not know that everything in the church must go back to faith and love and that these must be joined together if there is to be any church among humankind: 7752-7762, 9186, 9224. Everything in the universe that is in accord with the divine design goes back to goodness and truth and to their being joined together: 2451, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555. Truths are related to faith, and good actions are related to love: 4352, 4997, 7178, 10367. This is why I have discussed goodness and truth [11-27] as part of this body of teaching. So, knowing the nature of goodness and truth, both when they are joined together and when they are not, you can determine the relationship between faith and love from what has previously been presented, simply by substituting "love" for "goodness," and "faith" for "truth," and drawing the resulting conclusions.

[2] If people do not know that everything in us must-if we are to be truly human-go back to the will and the understanding and the joining together of these two, they can have no clear knowledge of the fact that everything in the church must go back to faith and love and the joining together of those two if there is to be any church within us: 2231, 7752, 7753, 7754, 9224, 9995, 10122. We have two basic faculties, one called understanding and the other called will: 641, 803, 3539, 3623. Our understanding is designed as a home for truths-and therefore the components of our faith-while our will is designed as a home for desires to do good-and therefore the components of our love: 9300, 9930, 10064. This is why I have also discussed will and understanding [28-35] in this body of teaching, since from what has been presented there you can also draw conclusions about faith and love, knowing what their nature is when they are joined together and what their nature is when they are not, by thinking about the love that lives in our will and the faith that lives in our understanding.

[3] People cannot know what spiritual faith and spiritual love are unless they know that within each of us there is an internal level and an external level-an inner self and an outer self, therefore-and that everything heavenly is on the level of our inner self and everything earthly is on the level of our outer self; therefore the relationship between the two selves is like the relationship between the spiritual world and the earthly world: 4292, 4570, 5013, 6055. We have an inner self and an outer self; the inner self is our spiritual self and the outer self is our earthly self: 978, 1015, 4459, 6309, 9701-9709. True faith is spiritual; therefore our faith is true faith if it resides in our inner self. The same holds true for love: 1594, 3987, 8078. Further, the more we love the truths that belong to religious faith, the more spiritual those truths become: 1594, 3987. This is why I have discussed the inner self and the outer self above [36-53], because from what has been presented there you can draw conclusions about faith and love, what they are like when they are spiritual and what they are like when they are not, and therefore what kinds of faith and love create a church and what kinds do not.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 120

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 120

120. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 120


Those who do not know that all things in the universe have relation to truth and good, and to their mutual conjunction, so that anything may be produced, do not know that all things of the Church have relation to faith and love, and to their mutual conjunction, so that the Church may be with a man, Arcana Coelestia 7752-7762, 9186, 9224. All things in the universe which are according to Divine order have relation to good and truth, and to their mutual conjunction, Arcana Coelestia 2452, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555. Truths belong to faith and goods to love, Arcana Coelestia 4352, 4997, 7178, 10367. This is the reason why Good and Truth have been treated of in the present Doctrine; wherefore from the things adduced, conclusions may be drawn respecting Faith and Love; and by putting love in the place of good, and faith in the place of truth, and then making the application, it may be known what their quality is when they are conjoined, and what it is when they are not conjoined.

Those who do not know that each and all things with a man have relation to the understanding and will, and to their mutual conjunction, so that a man may be a man, do not know clearly that all things of the Church have relation to faith and love, and to their mutual conjunction, so that the Church may be in a man, Arcana Coelestia 2231, 7752-7754, 9224, 9995, 10122. Man has two faculties, of which one is called the understanding and the other the will, Arcana Coelestia 641, 803, 3623, 3539. The understanding is designed for the reception of truths, and consequently for the things belonging to faith and the will for the reception of goods, and consequently for the things belonging to love, Arcana Coelestia 9300, 9930, 10064. This is the reason why the Will and Understanding have also been treated of in the present Doctrine; for from the things adduced there, conclusions may be drawn respecting faith and love; and, by considering love as being in the will, and faith in the understanding, it may be known what their quality is when they are conjoined, and what it is when they are not conjoined.

Those who do not know that a man has an Internal and an External, that is, an internal and an external man, and that all things of heaven have relation to the internal man, and all things of the world to the external man, and that their conjunction is like that of the spiritual and the natural worlds, do not know what spiritual faith and spiritual love are, Arcana Coelestia 4292, 5132, 8610. There is an internal and an external man, and the internal is the spiritual man, and the external the natural man, Arcana Coelestia 978, 1015, 4459, 6309, 9701-9709. Faith is spiritual, and consequently faith is faith so far as it is in the internal man; likewise love, Arcana Coelestia 1594, 3987, 8078. And so far as the truths which belong to faith are loved, so far they become spiritual, Arcana Coelestia 1594, 3987. This is the reason why the Internal and the External Man have been treated of; for from the things which have been adduced there, conclusions may be drawn respecting Faith and Love, what their quality is when they are spiritual, and what, when they are not spiritual; consequently how far they are of the Church, and how far they are not of the Church.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 120


They who do not know that all things in the universe have relation to truth and good, and to the conjunction of both, that anything may be produced, do not know that all things of the church have relation to faith and love, and to the conjunction of both, that the church may be with man (n. 7752-7762, 9186, 9224). All things in the universe, which are according to Divine order have relation to good and truth, and to their conjunction (n. 2452, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555). Truths are of faith and goods are of love (n. 4352, 4997, 7178, 10367). This is the reason that good and truth have been treated of in this doctrine; wherefore from what has been adduced, it may be concluded respecting faith and love; and it may be known what their quality is when they are conjoined, and what it is when they are not conjoined, by putting love in the place of good, and faith in the place of truth, and making applications accordingly.

They who do not know that each and all things in man have relation to the understanding and will, and to the conjunction of both, in order that man may be man, do not know clearly that all things of the church have relation to faith and love, and to the conjunction of both, in order that the church may be with man (n. 2231, 7752-7754, 9224, 9995, 10122). Man has two faculties, one of which is called the understanding and the other the will (n. 641, 803, 3623, 3539). The understanding is designed for receiving truths, thus the things of faith; and the will for receiving goods, thus the things of love (n. 9300, 9930, 10064). This is the reason why the will and the understanding have been also treated of in this doctrine; for from what has been adduced, conclusions may be drawn respecting faith and love, and it may be known what their quality is when they are conjoined, and what it is when they are not conjoined, by thinking of love in the will, and faith in the understanding.

They who do not know that man has an internal and an external, or an internal and an external man, and that all things of heaven have relation to the internal man, and all things of the world to the external, and that their conjunction is like the conjunction of the spiritual world and the natural world, do not know what spiritual faith and spiritual love are (n. 4392, 5132, 8610). There is an internal and an external man, and the internal is the spiritual man, and the external the natural (n. 978, 1015, 4459, 6309, 9701-9709). Faith is so far spiritual, thus so far faith, as it is in the internal man; and love likewise (n. 1594, 3987, 8443). And so far as the truths which are of faith are loved, so far they become spiritual (n. 1594, 3987). This is the reason why the internal and the external man have been treated of, for from what has been adduced, conclusions may be drawn respecting faith and love, what their quality is when they are spiritual, and what when they are not spiritual; consequently how far they are of the church, and how far they are not of the church.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 120 (original Latin 1758)


Qui non sciunt quod omnia in univeRso se referant ad Verum et Bonum, et ad conjunctionem utriusque ut producatur aliquid, quod non sciant quod omnia ecclesiae se referant ad Fidem et Amorem, et ad conjunctionem utriusque, ut sit ecclesia apud hominem (Arcana Coelestia 7752-7762, 9186, 9224).

Quod omnia in universo, quae sunt secundum Divinum ordinem, se referant ad bonum et verum, et ad conjunctionem utriusque (Arcana Coelestia 2451, [2452?], 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555).

Quod vera sint fidei, et bona sint amoris (Arcana Coelestia 4353, [4352?], 4997, 7178, 10367).

Haec causa est quod de Bono et Vero, in hac Doctrina actum sit; quare ex illis quae ibi allata sunt, concludi potest ad fidem et amorem, et sciri quales sunt cum conjuncti et quales cum non conjuncti, ponendo amorem loco boni, ac fidem loco veri, et applicando.

Qui non sciunt quod omnia et singula apud hominem se referant ad Intellectum et Voluntatem, et ad conjunctionem utriusque ut homo sit homo, quod non clare sciant quod omnia ecclesiae se referant ad Fidem et Amorem, et ad conjunctionem utriusque, ut in homine sit ecclesia (Arcana Coelestia 2231, 7752-7754, 9224, 9995, 10122).

Quod binae facultates homini sint, una quae vocatur intellectus, et altera quae voluntas (Arcana Coelestia 641, 803, 3623, 3939, [3539?],).

Quod intellectus dicatus sit recipiendis veris, ita quae fidei sunt, et voluntas dicata recipiendis bonis, ita quae amoris sunt (Arcana Coelestia 9300, 9930, 10064).

Haec causa est, quod de Voluntate et Intellectu in hac Doctrina etiam actum sit; nam ex illis quoque, quae ibi allata sunt, concludi potest ad fidem et amorem, et sciri quales sunt cum conjuncti et quales cum non conjuncti, cogitando amorem in voluntate, et fidem in intellectu.

Qui non sciunt quod homini sit Internum et Externum, seu Internus et Externus Homo, et quod omnia caeli ad internum hominem se referant, et omnia mundi ad externum, et quod conjunctio eorum sit sicut est conjunctio mundi spiritualis et mundi naturalis, quod non sciant quid fides spiritualis et amor spiritualis (Arcana Coelestia 4292, 5132, 8610).

Quod sit homo internus et externus, et quod homo internus sit spiritualis homo, et externus naturalis (Arcana Coelestia 978, 1015, 4459, 6309, 9701-9709).

Quod fides sit spiritualis, ita quod fides sit fides quantum in interno homine est, similiter amor (Arcana Coelestia 1504, [1594?], 3987, 8444, [8443?],)

Et quod quantum amantur vera quae sunt fidei, tantum spiritualia fiant (Arcana Coelestia 1594, 3987).

Haec causa est quod de Interno et Externo Homine actum sit; nam ex illis quae ibi allata sunt, concludi potest ad fidem et amorem, quales sunt cum spirituales, et quales cum non spirituales sunt; ita quantum sunt ecclesiae, et quantum non ecclesiae.

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