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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第196节








灵和天使与每个人在一起 (6975846-5866)。他们在人的思想和情感里 (288858465848)。如果灵和天使被移走,人不能存活 (28875849585459936321)。因为通过灵和天使,人与灵界交流和联合,人没有这些就没有生命(697279628862887404740485846-58665976-5993)。与人在一起的灵根据人从爱而出的情感而变动 (5851)。来自地狱的灵在人对自我的爱里(58525979-5993)。灵能够进入人所有的记忆里 (58535857585958606192619361986199)。天使位于人生命的终极目标上,它既是人思考、意愿和行为的出发点也是目的地 (131716455844)。人看不见灵,灵也看不见人 (5885)。 因此灵不能透过人看到物质太阳世界里的任何东西 (1880)。尽管灵和天使位于人的思想和情感里,但是人仍能按自己的愿望自由的思考、意愿和行动 (598264778209830710777)。 此外,相关的资料可参见《天堂和地狱》一书第3章:天堂与人类的联接 (291-302节。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 196

196. From Secrets of Heaven

Before presenting an overview of what is written about spiritual crises in Secrets of Heaven, I need to offer something about them by way of a preface so that readers may have a clearer understanding of where these crises come from.

We call a crisis "spiritual" when the truths that belong to religious faith are under attack within us, truths that we believe at heart and love to live by. This is especially so when the attack threatens the good things we do from love, the goodness in which we find our spiritual life.

These attacks are waged by various means-by the inflow [of evil spirits], into our thoughts and also into our will, that blocks what is true and good, and by [their] constantly bringing up and calling to mind evil things we have done and false thoughts we have harbored, so that we are flooded by such things. At the same time, too, in the deeper levels of our mind there is an apparent break so that our communication with heaven is cut off. This stops us from thinking on the basis of our faith or forming intentions that relate to what we love. All this is done by the evil spirits who are with us; and as it is being done, it seems to us that we are suffering inner anxieties and pangs of conscience, because what is being done shakes and tortures our spiritual life. All the while, we believe that this is coming not from evil spirits but from ourselves, deep within. The reason we do not believe that this comes from evil spirits is that we do not realize that there are spirits with us-evil ones in our evil tendencies and good ones in our good tendencies-and that they are in our thoughts and feelings.

These crises are most severe when they are accompanied by pains experienced in our bodies, and are even worse if the pains persist and become more severe and we beg for divine mercy but there is still no deliverance. This leads to despair, which is the end of the process.

Here I need first to cite some statements from Secrets of Heaven about the spirits who are with us, since they are the cause of these crises.

There are spirits and angels with each of us: 697, 5846-5866. They are in our thoughts and feelings: 2888, 5846, 5848. If the spirits and angels were taken away, we could not remain alive: 2887, 5849, 5854, 5993, 6321. The reason for this is that it is through spirits and angels that we have communication and connection with the spiritual world, and without that we would have no life: 697, 2796, 2886, 2887, 4047, 4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993. The spirits with us change depending on the feelings we are having, which stem from what we love: 5851. Spirits from hell are in the loves that are intrinsic to us: 5852, 5979-5993. Spirits have access to everything in our memory: 5853, 5857, 5859, 5860, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199. Angels are in the goals from which and for which we think, intend, and act in one way and not in another: 1317, 1645, 5854. We are not visible to spirits, just as spirits are not visible to us: 5862. So spirits cannot see, through us, anything that is in our subsolar world: 1880. Even though spirits and angels are with us in our thoughts and feelings we are still free to think, intend, and act as we wish: 5982, 6477, 8209, 8307, 10777. In addition, there is material in Heaven and Hell in the chapter "The Union of Heaven with the Human Race" (291-302).

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 196

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 196

196. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 196


Before stating summarily what has been written in the Heavenly Arcana concerning temptations, something has to be premised on this subject, so that the source from whence temptations are, may be known more definitely. A temptation is said to be spiritual, when interiorly in a man the truths of faith are assaulted which he believes at heart, and according to which he loves to live; especially when the good of love, in which he places spiritual life, is assaulted. These assaults take place in various ways: as for instance, by an influx into the thoughts, and also into the will of stumbling-blocks against good and truth; further, by a constant rising up and bringing into remembrance, of the evils which a man has done, and also of the falsities which he has thought - and thus by a flooding of such things; and at the same time by an apparent closing up of the interiors of the mind, and thus of the communication with heaven, whereby there is intercepted from a man the thought flowing from his own faith, and the volition springing from his own love. These things are caused by the evil spirits who are with a man; and when they happen, they take place under the form of an interior distress and of pangs of conscience; for such things affect and torture a man's spiritual life, the man not believing that they arise from evil spirits, but from himself in his interiors. A man does not know that these things arise from evil spirits, because he does not know that there are spirits with him; evil spirits in his evils, and good spirits in his goods; and that they are in his thoughts and affections. These temptations are most grievous, when conjoined with pains inflicted on the body; and still more so, if these pains continue long, and become intensified, and if the Divine Mercy is implored, and there is no deliverance: hence comes despair which is the end.

Some statements shall first be adduced from the Heavenly Arcana, concerning the Spirits who are with a man; because temptations are from them.

With every man there are spirits and angels, Arcana Coelestia 697, 5846-5866. They are in his thoughts and affections, Arcana Coelestia 2888, 5846, 5848. If spirits and angels were removed, a man could not live, Arcana Coelestia 2887, 5849, 5854, 5993, 6321; because through spirits and angels he communicates, and is conjoined, with the spiritual world, without which he would not have any life, Arcana Coelestia 697, 2796, 2886, 2887, 4047, 4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993. The spirits with a man are changed according to the affections belonging to his love, Arcana Coelestia 5851. The spirits from hell are in the loves peculiar to a man, Arcana Coelestia 5852, 5979-5993. The spirits enter into all things of a man's memory, Arcana Coelestia 5853, 5857, 5859, 5860, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199; the angels into the ends from which, and for the sake of which, a man thinks, wills, and acts so, and not otherwise, Arcana Coelestia 1317, 1645, 5854. The man is not visible to the spirits, even as the spirits are not visible to the man, Arcana Coelestia 5862. Wherefore it is impossible for spirits through a man to see anything which is in our solar world, Arcana Coelestia 1880. Though there are spirits and angels with a man, in his thoughts and affections, still he is in the freedom of thinking, willing, and acting, Arcana Coelestia 5982, 6477, 8209, 8307, 10777; see also the work on Heaven and Hell, where The Conjunction of Heaven with the Human Race is treated of, Heaven and Hell 291-302.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 196


Before a summary is given of what is written in the Arcana Coelestia, respecting temptations, something shall first be said concerning them, in order that it may be known still more clearly from whence they proceed. It is called spiritual temptation when the truths of faith which a man believes in his heart, and according to which he loves to live, are assaulted within him, especially when the good of love, in which he places his spiritual life, is assaulted. Those assaults take place in various ways; as by influx of scandals against truths and goods into the thoughts and the will; also by a continual drawing forth, and bringing to remembrance, of the evils which one has committed, and of the falsities which he has thought, thus by inundation of such things; and at the same time by an apparent shutting up of the interiors of the mind, and, consequently, of communication with heaven, by which the capacity of thinking from his own faith, and of willing from his own love, are intercepted. These things are effected by the evil spirits who are present with man; and when they take place, they appear under the form of interior anxieties and pains of conscience; for they affect and torment man's spiritual life, because he supposes that they proceed, not from evil spirits, but from his own interiors. Man does not know that such assaults are 1from evil spirits because he does not know that spirits are present with him, evil spirits in his evils, and good spirits in his goods; and that they are in his thoughts and affections. These temptations are most grievous when they are accompanied with bodily pains; and still more so, when those pains are of long continuance, and no deliverance is granted, even although the Divine mercy is implored; hence results despair, which is the end.

Some particulars shall first be adduced from the Arcana Coelestia, concerning the spirits that are with man, because temptations proceed from them.

Spirits and angels are with every man (n. 697, 5846-5866). They are in his thoughts and affections (n. 2888, 5846, 5848). If spirits and angels were taken away, man could not live (n. 2887, 5849, 5854, 5993, 6321). Because by spirits and angels man has communication and conjunction with the spiritual world, without which he would have no life (n. 697, 2796, 2886, 2887, 4047, 4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993). The spirits with man are changed according to the affections of his love (n. 5851). Spirits from hell are in the loves of man's proprium (n. 5852, 5979-5993). Spirits enter into all things of man's memory (n. 5853, 5857, 5859, 5860, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199). Angels are in the ends from which and for the sake of which man thinks, wills, and acts thus and not otherwise (n. 1317, 1645, 5844). Man does not appear to spirits, nor spirits to man (n. 5885). Thence spirits cannot see what is in our solar world through man (n. 1880). Although spirits and angels are with man, in his thoughts and affections, yet still he is in freedom of thinking, willing, and acting (n. 5982, 6477, 8209, 8307, 10777); and in the work on Heaven and Hell, where the Conjunction of Heaven with the Human Race is treated of (n. 291-302).


1. In the original Latin "non" occurs twice in the sentence.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 196 (original Latin 1758)

196. (Ex Arcanis Caelestibus.)

Antequam summatim traditur quid in Arcanis Caelestibus de tentationibus scriptum est, aliquid praefandum est de illis, ut clarius adhuc sciatur undenam sunt. Tentatio spiritualis dicitur, cum intus in homine impugnatur vera fidei, quae homo corde credit, et secundum quae vivere amat; imprimis cum impugnatur bonum amoris, in quo ponit vitam spiritualem. Impugnationes illae fiunt variis modis; per influxum scandalorum in cogitationes et quoque in voluntatem, contra vera et bona; tum per emersionem et recordationem continuam malorum quae homo fecerat, et falsorum quae cogitaverat, ita per inundationem talium; et simul tunc per apparentem interclusionem interiorum mentis, et sic communicationis cum caelo, per quod ei intercipitur cogitare ex sua fide, ac velle ex suo amore. Haec fiunt a malis spiritibus qui apud hominem; et cum fiunt, apparent sub specie anxietatum interiorum, ac dolorum conscientiae, quoniam talia afficiunt et cruciant vitam hominis spiritualem, credente homine quod non sit a malis spiritibus, sed ex se in interioribus. Quod homo non sciat quod 1illa sint ex malis spiritibus, est causa, quia non scit quod spiritus sint apud illum, mali in malis ejus et boni in bonis ejus, et quod sint in ejus cogitationibus et affectionibus. Tentationes illae gravissimae sunt, quando conjunctae sunt cum doloribus inflictis corpori; et magis si dolores illi diu persistunt et ingravescunt, ac imploratur Divina Misericordia, et usque non liberatio: inde desperatio quae finis.

Hic primum aliqua ex Arcanis Caelestibus afferenda sunt De Spiritibus apud Hominem, quia ab illis tentationes:--

Quod apud unumquemvis hominem sint spiritus et angeli (Arcana Coelestia 697, 5846-5866).

Quod sint in ejus cogitationibus et affectionibus (Arcana Coelestia 2888, 5846, 5848).

Quod si auferrentur spiritus et angeli, homo non vivere 2posset (Arcana Coelestia 2887, 5849, 5854, 5993, 6321).

Quia homini per spiritus et angelos est communicatio et conjunctio cum mundo spirituali, sine qua non foret vita homini (Arcana Coelestia 697, 2796, 2886, 2887, 4047, 4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993).

Quod spiritus apud hominem mutentur secundum ejus affectiones quae amoris (Arcana Coelestia 5851).

Quod spiritus ab inferno sint in amoribus propriis hominis (Arcana Coelestia 5852, 5979-5993).

Quod spiritus intrent in omnia memoriae hominis (Arcana Coelestia 5853, 5857, 5859, 5860, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199).

Quod angeli in fines, ex quibus et propter quos homo ita non aliter cogitat, vult, agit (Arcana Coelestia 1317, 1645, 5844, [5845?],).

Quod homo non appareat spiritibus, sicut nec spiritus homini (Arcana Coelestia 5885 (5862)).

Inde quod spiritus nihil possint videre quod est in mundo nostro solari per hominem (Arcana Coelestia 1880).

Quod tametsi spiritus et angeli sunt apud hominem in ejus cogitationibus et affectionibus, usque tamen homo in libero sit cogitandi, volendi, et agendi (Arcana Coelestia 5982, 6477, 8209, 8307, 10777).

(Et praeterea in opere De Caelo et Inferno, ubi agitur De Conjunctione Caeli cum Humano Genere, De Caelo et Inferno 291-302.)


. 1 illa pro "non illa"

. 2 posset pro "possit"

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