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属天的奥秘 第8924节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8924

8924. Fear not, because God is come to tempt you. That this signifies that the life of heaven will not perish; this is merely that it may be known that it exists, and what is its quality; this is evident from the signification of "not fearing," namely, that they will die, as being that they will perish in respect to the life of heaven (see n. 8922); and from the signification of "to tempt you," as being to teach that there is a life of heaven and what its quality is. That this is signified by "tempting," is because all spiritual temptation teaches and confirms such things with man. For temptations are to the intent that the faith of truth, and the affection of truth, and afterward the affection of good, may be implanted and inrooted, and that thus the man may receive new life, which is the life of heaven. [2] For temptations are combats with evils and falsities, and when the man conquers these, he is confirmed, for he fights from truths and for truths against falsity and evil. That he fights from truths and for truths, the man is not sensible of at the time, because truths are in the interiors; and therefore they do not come manifestly to sense, which is of the exteriors; but that it is from them and for them is evident from the fact that there is combat and afterward victory, which is not possible except by collisions of things opposite to each other: the opposites are evil and good, and falsity and truth. [3] But be it known that the man does not fight, but the Lord for the man, and indeed against the hells, which then attempt to attack and subdue the man (see n. 840, 1661, 1692, 8159, 8168, 8172, 8175, 8176). From all this it is evident that by the words "Fear not, for God is come to tempt you," is signified that they ought not to fear that the life of heaven will perish, for this comes to pass that they may be taught and know that there is a life of heaven, and also what its quality is. (But concerning temptations, see what has been already said and shown, n. 2272, 2768, 3318, 3927, 3928, 4249, 4299, 4341, 4572, 5036, 5246, 5356, 6144, 6574, 6611, 6657, 6663, 6666, 6829, 8131, 8273, 8351, 8367, 8370, 8403, 8567.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 8924

8924. 'Do not fear, for God has come in order to test you' means that the life of heaven will not be destroyed, [but that they are tested] solely so that the existence and essential nature of that life may be known. This is clear from the meaning of 'not fearing' - not fearing that they will die - as their having no fear that the life of heaven with them will be destroyed, 8922; and from the meaning of 'testing you' as teaching about the existence of the life of heaven and about its essential nature. The reason why 'testing' has this meaning is that all spiritual testing or temptation serves to teach about and strengthen such ideas with a person. For temptations exist to this end, that belief in truth and affection for truth may be implanted and enrooted, and after these an affection for good, so that a person receives new life, which is the life of heaven.

[2] Temptations are conflicts with evils and falsities. When a person is victorious in them he is strengthened, for he fights from truths and for truths against falsity and evil. The person is not at the time directly conscious of fighting from truths and for truths because the truths are present on the inner levels of his mind and therefore do not plainly enter his consciousness, which belongs to the outer levels. But truths are indeed what he fights from and fights for, as is evident from the fact that conflict exists, followed by victory, which is not possible except for the clashes of opposites with one another, those opposites being evil and good, and falsity and truth.

[3] Yet it should be recognized that the person does not fight, but that the Lord fights on behalf of the person, and indeed against the hells, which endeavour at that time to take over and subdue the person, 840, 1661, 1692, 8159, 8168, 8172, 8175, 8176.

From all this it is evident that 'Do not fear, for God has come in order to test you' means that there should be no fear that the life of heaven will be destroyed, but that it happens to them so that they may be taught about and know of the existence of the life of heaven, and also its essential nature. But regarding temptations, see what has been stated and shown already in 2272, 2768, 3318, 3927, 3928, 4249, 4299, 4341, 4572, 5036, 5246, 5356, 6144, 6574, 6611, 6657, 6663, 6666, 6829, 8131, 8273, 8351, 8367, 8370 (end), 8403, 8567

Latin(1748-1756) 8924

8924. `Ne timeatis, quia propterea ut tentare vos, venit Deus': quod significet quod non peritura vita caeli, solum ut sciatur quod illa sit et qualis, constat ex significatione `non timere,' nempe quod morituri, quod sit quod perituri quoad vitam caeli {1}, n. 8922, et ex significatione `tentare vos' quod sit docere quod vita caeli sit et qualis illa; quod hoc per `tentare' significetur, est quia omnis tentatio (o)spiritualis talia apud hominem docet et confirmat, nam tentationes sunt ideo ut fides veri et affectio veri, ac postea affectio boni, implantetur et irradicetur, et sic homo vitam novam, quae est vita caeli, accipiat, tentationes enim sunt pugnae cum malis et falsis; [2] homo cum vincit illa, {2} confirmatus est, nam ex veris et pro veris contra falsum et malum pugnat; quod ex veris et pro veris pugnet, non tunc sentit homo, quia vera in interioribus sunt, quare ad sensum, qui est exteriorum, manifeste non veniunt; sed quod ex illis et pro illis sit, patet ex eo quod pugna sit et dein victoria, quae non dari queunt nisi per collisiones oppositorum inter se; opposita sunt malum et bonum, ac falsum et verum; [3] sed sciendum quod homo non pugnet, sed quod Dominus pro homine, et quidem contra inferna, quae tunc invadere et subjugare hominem conantur, (m)n. 840, 1661, (x)1692, 8159, 8168, 8172, 8175, 8176;(n) ex his patet quod per `ne timeatis, quia propterea ut tentare vos, venit Deus' significetur quod non timendum sit quod peritura vita caeli, sed quod id fiat ut doceantur et sciant quod vita caeli sit, tum qualis illa est; sed de tentationibus videantur quae prius dicta et ostensa sunt, n. 2272, 2768, 3318, 3927, 3928, 4249, 4299, 4341, 4572, 5036, 5246, 5356, 6144, 6574, 6611, 6657, 6663, 6666, 6829, 8351, 8273, 8351, 8367, 8370 fin., 8403, 8567. @1 de vita coeli quod peritura$ @2 i in vero et bono$

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