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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第183节








183、重生是什么以及它为什么发生。今天,关于重生,人们知道的很少。这里讲述了原因 (376141365398)。人生于种种邪恶,因此出生获得的自我除了邪恶什么都不是 (210215731874-876987104723072308351837013812848085498550855210283102841028610731)。人遗传的本性除了邪恶什么都没有,请参见上面 83节所述。相应的,人的内在特性除了邪恶什么都不是,请参见82节。人自己只要是在他的遗传本性和他的自我影响下,他比残忍的野兽更坏 (6373175)。 因此,人自己是一直面向地狱 (6948480)。因此,如果人被他自己的自我私欲引导,他就不可能被拯救(10731)。

人的属世生命与属灵生命相反 (39133928)。他通过自己或按照他内在的特性去行的善不是善,因为他是为了自己和世界才做的 (8480)。人只有放下自我,主和天堂才能够临在 (10231044)。当人被主重生时,他的自我的确被放下了 (9334-9336945294549938)。因此他必须被重新创造,也就是被重生 (8548854994529937)。圣言中说人“被创造”,象征人被重生 (168810634)。

通过重生,人与主联合 (20049338),并且在天堂与天使联合(2474)。直到他处于被主用良善引导的状态时,也就是被重生时,他才能进入天堂(8516853987229139983210367)。

没有被重生的人是由外在或属世之人统治,内在之人为其仆从 (31678743)。因此人的生命状态出生时就被颠倒,必须完全倒转过来以便他能被拯救(6507855285539258)。重生的目的是为了内在或属灵之人成为主导,外在或属世之人能够为其仆从 (911913)。人被重生以后,事实确实如此发生 (512856518743)。因为重生以后,对自己和世界的爱不再为主导,而改为爱主和爱友邻,因此是由主而不是人主导 (88568857)。因此显而易知,除非人被重生,他不能得救 (52808548877210156)。

重生是一个基础,在此基础上人的生命为永恒而完美 (9334)。获得重生的人实际上经历持续的完美化直到永远 (664810048)。重生之人和未重生之人的特性 在这里描述 (97798610156)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 183

183. From Secrets of Heaven

What regeneration is and why it happens. Nowadays there is little knowledge about regeneration; why this is the case: 3761, 4136, 5398. We are born with a love for evils of every different kind, and for that reason in terms of our intrinsic characteristics, we are nothing but evil right from our birth: 210, 215, 731, 874, 875, 876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8549, 8550, 8552, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731. On what we inherit being nothing but evil, see the references assembled above in 83 of this work. On our own intrinsic characteristics being nothing but evil as well, see 82. On our own, to the extent that we rely on our inherited and intrinsic characteristics, we are worse than brute animals: 637, 3175. As a result, left to ourselves we are constantly looking toward hell: 694, 8480. So if we are led by this selfhood of ours, there is no way we can be saved: 10731.

Our earthly life is opposed to our spiritual life: 3913, 3928. Anything good that we do on our own or when we are led by our intrinsic characteristics is not good, since we are doing it for our own sake and for worldly reasons: 8478. This selfhood of ours has to be put aside in order for the Lord and heaven to be present: 1023, 1044. It is actively put aside as we are regenerated by the Lord: 9334, 9335, 9336, 9452, 9453, 9454, 9938. That is why we need to be created anew-that is, regenerated: 8549, 9450, 9938. In the Word, our being "created" symbolizes our being regenerated: 16, 88, 10634.

As we are regenerated we are joined to the Lord: 2004, 9338. We are also brought into the company of angels in heaven: 2474. We do not arrive in heaven until we are in a state that makes it possible for us to be led by the Lord through what is good, which happens when we are regenerated: 8516, 8539, 8722, 9832, 10367.

When we have not been regenerated, the outer or earthly self is in control and the inner is its servant: 3167, 8743. The state of our life is thus upside down from birth and therefore needs at all costs to be inverted so that we can be saved: 6507, 8552, 8553, 9258. The goal of regeneration is that the inner or spiritual self should be in control and that the outer or earthly self should be its servant: 911, 913. This is actually what happens when we have been regenerated: 5128, 5651, 8743. After regeneration it is no longer love for ourselves and the world that are dominant in us but love for the Lord and love for our neighbor, so the Lord is ruling and not we ourselves: 8856, 8857. We can see from this that unless we are regenerated we cannot be saved: 5280, 8548, 8772, 10156.

Regeneration is a foundation for the perfecting of our life to eternity: 9334. When we have been regenerated, we are indeed continually perfected to eternity: 6648, 10048. The nature of people who have been regenerated and of people who have not been regenerated: 977, 986, 10156.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 183

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 183

183. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 183


What Regeneration is, and why it is caused. Why little is known at the present day concerning regeneration, the causes thereof, Arcana Coelestia 3761, 4136, 5398. A man is born into evils of every kind, and on that account is from birth in respect to his Self (proprium) nothing but evil, Arcana Coelestia 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3701, 3761, 8480, 8549, 8550, 8552, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731. A man's hereditary nature is nothing but evil, see the extracts quoted above in this Doctrine, no. 83. A man's Self (proprium) is nothing but evil, see also above, no. 82. A man of himself, in respect to his hereditary nature and his Self (proprium), is worse than the brute animals, Arcana Coelestia 637, 3175. Wherefore, a man of himself constantly looks towards hell, Arcana Coelestia 694, 8480. If, therefore, a man should be led by Self (proprium), he could not possibly be saved, Arcana Coelestia 10731.

A man's natural life is opposed to spiritual life, Arcana Coelestia 3913, 3928. The good which a man does from himself, that is, from Self (proprium), is not good, because he does it for the sake of himself and the world, Arcana Coelestia 8480. A man's Self (proprium) has to be removed in order that the Lord and heaven may be present, Arcana Coelestia 1023, 1044. A man's Self (proprium) is actually removed when he is being regenerated by the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 9334-9336, 9452, 9454, 9938. Wherefore, a man must be created anew, that is, regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 8549, 9450, 9938. Creating a man, in the Word, signifies regenerating him, Arcana Coelestia 16, 88, 10634.

A man is conjoined with the Lord through regeneration, Arcana Coelestia 2004, 9338. He is also consociated with angels in heaven, Arcana Coelestia 2379. A man does not come into heaven, before he is in a state in which he is led by the Lord through good, which is the case when he has been regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 8516, 8539, 8722, 9139, 9832, 10367.

With the man who has not been regenerated, the external, that is, the natural man rules, and the internal man serves, Arcana Coelestia 3167, 8743. The state of a man's life is thus inverted from his birth; wherefore, in order that he may be saved, his state must be inverted by all means, Arcana Coelestia 6507, 8552, 8553, 9258. The end of regeneration is, that the internal, that is, the spiritual man may rule, and the external, that is, the natural man may serve, Arcana Coelestia 911, 913. This also is actually the case after a man has been regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 5128, 5651, 8743. For after regeneration the love of self and the world no longer reigns, but love to the Lord and towards the neighbour, consequently, the Lord, and not man, Arcana Coelestia 8856, 8857. From this it is plain that unless a man is regenerated, he cannot be saved, Arcana Coelestia 5280, 8548, 8772, 10156.

Regeneration is a plane for perfecting a man's life to eternity, Arcana Coelestia 9334. The regenerate man also is perfected to eternity, Arcana Coelestia 6648, 10048. The quality of the regenerate, and of the unregenerate man, Arcana Coelestia 977, 986, 10156.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 183


What Regeneration is, and why it is effected.

At this day little is known concerning regeneration; the reason (n. 3761, 4136, 5398). Man is born into evils of every kind, and thence as to his proprium by birth, he is nothing but evil (n. 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8549, 8550, 8552, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731). Man's hereditary nature is nothing but evil, see the extracts above in this doctrine (n. 83). Man's proprium is nothing but evil, see the same (n. 82). Man of himself, so far as he is under the influence of his hereditary nature and the proprium, is worse than the brute animals (n. 637, 3175). Therefore of himself he continually looks to hell (n. 694, 8480). Therefore, if man should be led by his own proprium, he could not possibly be saved (n. 10731).

Man's natural life is contrary to spiritual life (n. 3913, 3928). The good which he does from himself or from proprium, is not good, because he does it for the sake of self, and the world (n. 8480). Man's proprium must be removed so that the Lord and heaven may be able to be present (n. 1023, 1044). It is actually removed when he is regenerated by the Lord (n. 9334-9336, 9452, 9454, 9938). Therefore he must be created anew, that is, regenerated (n. 8548, 8549,9452, 9937). "Creating" man, in the Word, signifies to regenerate him (n. 16, 88, 10634).

Man is conjoined to the Lord by regeneration (n. 2004, 9338). And consociated with angels in heaven (n. 2474). He does not come into heaven, until he is in a state to be led by the Lord by means of good, which is the case when he is regenerated (n. 8516, 8539, 8722, 9139, 9832, 10367).

The external or natural man rules, and the internal man serves, in the man who is not regenerated (n. 3167, 8743). Thus the state of man's life is inverted from his birth, and must be entirely inverted again in order that he may be saved (n. 6507, 8552, 8553, 9258). The end of regeneration is, that the internal or spiritual man may rule, and the external or natural man serve (n. 911, 913). This is actually effected after man is regenerated (n. 5128, 5651, 8743). For after regeneration the love of self and the world no longer reigns, but love to the Lord and towards the neighbor, thus the Lord and not man (n. 8856, 8857). Hence it is plain that man cannot be saved unless he is regenerated (n. 5280, 8548, 8772, 10156).

Regeneration is a plane to perfect the life of man to eternity (n. 9334). The regenerate man is perfected to eternity (n. 6648, 10048). The quality of the regenerate and the unregenerate man described (n. 977, 986, 10156).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 183 (original Latin 1758)

183. Quid Regeneratio, et cur fit.

Quod hodie parum sciatur de regeneratione, causae (Arcana Coelestia 3761, 4136, 5398).

Quod homo nascatur in omnis generis mala, et quod inde ille quoad proprium suum ex nativitate non sit nisi quam malum (Arcana Coelestia 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3701, 3712, [3812?], 8480, 8549, 8550, 8552, 10283, 10284, 10286, 1073, [10731?],).

Quod hereditarium hominis non sit nisi quam malum (vide collecta supra in hac Doctrina, 83).

Quod etiam proprium hominis non sit nisi quam malum (ibi, 82).

Quod homo ex se, quantum ex hereditario et proprio, sit pejor brutis animalibus (Arcana Coelestia 637, 3175).

Quod ideo continue ex se spectet ad infernum (Arcana Coelestia 694, 8480).

Quapropter si homo duceretur ex suo proprio, quod nequaquam salvari posset (Arcana Coelestia 10731).

Quod vita naturalis hominis sit contraria vitae spirituali (Arcana Coelestia 3913, 3928).

Quod bonum quod homo facit ex se, seu ex proprio, non sit bonum, quia facit propter se et propter mundum (Arcana Coelestia 8478 8480?)).

Quod proprium hominis removendum sit, ut Dominus et caelum adesse queant (Arcana Coelestia 1023, 1044).

Quod proprium hominis actualiter removeatur, cum homo a Domino regeneratur (Arcana Coelestia 9334-9336, 9452, 9455, [9454?], 9938).

Quod ideo homo e novo creandus sit, hoc est, regenerandus (Arcana Coelestia 8548, 8549, 9450, [9452?], 9938 (9937)).

Quod per "creare" hominem in Verbo significetur illum regenerare (Arcana Coelestia 16, 88, 10634).

Quod homo per regenerationem conjungatur Domino (Arcana Coelestia 2004, 9338).

Quod etiam consocietur angelis in caelo (Arcana Coelestia 2475, [2474?],).

Quod homo non prius in caelum veniat, quam dum in statu est ut ducatur a Domino per bonum, quod fit cum regeneratus est (Arcana Coelestia 8516, 8539, 8722, 9139, 9832, 10367).

Quod apud hominem qui non regeneratus est, externus seu naturalis homo imperet, ac internus serviat (Arcana Coelestia 3167, 8743).

Ita quod status vitae hominis sit inversus a nativitate, et quod ideo omnino invertendus sit ut homo salvari possit (Arcana Coelestia 6507, 8552, 8553, 9258).

Quod finis regenerationis sit, ut [homo] internus seu spiritualis imperet, et externus seu naturalis serviat (Arcana Coelestia 911, 913).

Quod etiam ita fiat, postquam homo regeneratus est (Arcana Coelestia 5128, 5651, 8743).

Quoniam post regenerationem non amplius amor sui et mundi, sed amor in Dominum et erga proximum regnat, ita Dominus et non homo (Arcana Coelestia 8856, 8857).

Quod inde pateat quod homo, nisi regeneratur, salvari nequeat (Arcana Coelestia 5280, 8548, 8772, 10156).

Quod regeneratio sit planum ad perficiendum vitam ejus in aeternum (n.933).

Quod etiam homo regeneratus perficiatur in aeternum (Arcana Coelestia 6648, 10048).

Qualis homo regeneratus et homo non regeneratus (Arcana Coelestia 977, 986, 10156).

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