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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第279节








279、神性秩序。从主发出的神性真理是神性秩序的本源,神性良善是该秩序的本质 (1728225887008988)。主自己就是神性秩序,因为神性良善与神性真理都来自主,就是天堂和世界之主 (19192011511057031033610619)。神性真理是秩序的法则 (24477995)。哪里有秩序,哪里就有主的临在,而哪里没有秩序,哪里就没有主的临在 (5703)。因为神性真理是秩序的基础,神性良善是秩序的本质,宇宙中的万事万物都必起因于良善和真理,并因之维持存续,因为万事之理必起因于秩序 (2452316643904409523272561012210555)。良善是秩序的本质,良善将真理融入秩序,相反则不行 – 真理不能安排良善 (3316347043025704570960286690)。整个天堂的天使社群,都是由主按照神性秩序来安排的,因为主的神性和天使构成了天堂 (3038721191289338101251015110157)。

天堂的样式就是神性秩序的样式 (4040-404366079877)。只要人按照此秩序生活,即按照与神性真理对应的秩序法则生活在良善中,他就成为人 (4839)。 人越按此法则生活,在来世他就越显得无暇、美丽;但是他若不如此生活,在来世就显为一个怪物 (483966056626)。很显然,人的内在集合了神性秩序的诸般因子,人就是如此按照神性秩序被造的 (4219422042234523452451145368601360576605662697061015610742)。每个天使都具人形,因为他接受从主而来的神性秩序,接受的越多,其形态就越无暇,美丽 (3221880188136333804462247354797498551995530605498791017710594)。

天使所在的天堂整体上也呈现人的形状,因为各个天使社群组成的整个天堂,是主按照神性秩序安排的 (299629983624-36293636-36433741-37454625)。由此可见,主的神性之人是万物的源头 (2996-29983624-36493741-3745)。从而还可知道,主是唯一的人!人之所以为人,就是因为他从主获得神圣的人性 (1894)。接受的越多,就越有主的形象 (8547)。人不是生来就有良善和真理,而是生自邪恶和谬误,因此不是生于神性秩序,而是生于此秩序的反面。因而人生于全然的无知中。人若想被引入神圣秩序中从而成为人,他就必须成为新人,即重生。它由主按照神性真理以及与之相应的生命来成就 (104723072308351838128480855010283102841028610731)。

当主对人执行重生时,祂按照神圣秩序,也就是天堂的样式来安排人内心的各个方面 (57006690993110303)。被主引导之人就是按照神性秩序被引导 (8512)。处在神性秩序中的人,他们意识的深层向天堂打开,全然朝向主;而不在此秩序中的人,其深层则是关闭的 (8513)。人越按此秩序生活,就越有才能和智慧 (2592)。 主从内至外掌管秩序,祂从最深处掌管最浅层,也从最浅处掌管最深处,从而使万般相互连接,彼此和谐 (37023739604060569828)。至于秩序的连接,在秩序终端诸般元素如何维持汇聚,彼此承接,参见下面各章节 (63436914145511458976239632664658603921592169828983610044100991032910335)。邪恶和谬误是秩序的反面,但是主仍掌控它们,却不是按照秩序,而是基于它们的抗拒 (4839787710778)。邪恶和谬误由准许的法则来统治,这样也是为了秩序 (7877870010778)。与神性秩序相反的许多事不可能成就,比如一个生活在邪恶中的人,不可能单靠怜悯来获得拯救。同样地,邪恶之人不可能在来世与良善之人为伍,这里还有一些其他例子 (8700)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 279

279. The divine design. The divine truth that emanates from the Lord is the origin of the divine design, and divine goodness is what constitutes its essence: 1728, 2258, 8700, 8988. The Lord himself, then, is the divine design, because divine goodness and divine truth come from the Lord and in fact are the Lord in the heavens and on earth: 1919, 2011, 5110, 5703, 10336, 10619. The laws of the design are divine truths: 2447, 7995. Where there is order the Lord is present; where there is no order the Lord is not present: 5703. Since divine truth is [the basis of] the design and divine goodness constitutes its essence, absolutely everything in the universe must go back to goodness and truth in order to be anything at all, for the very reason that everything goes back to the design: 2451, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555. Since goodness is the essence of the design, it arranges the truths that form the design; the truths do not arrange the goodness: 3316, 3470, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690. The entire heaven, with all its angelic communities, is arranged by the Lord according to his divine design, since the divine nature of the Lord in and among the angels is what constitutes heaven: 6338, 7211, 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157. So heaven's form is a form in keeping with the divine design: 4040-4043, 6607, 9877.

[2] To the extent that we live according to the design-that is, to the extent that we are devoted to doing what is good in response to the divine truths that are the laws of the design-to that extent we are human: 4839. The more we live this way, the more perfectly proportioned and beautiful we will look in the other life; the less we live this way, the more monstrous we will look: 4839, 6605, 6626. Clearly then, all the elements of the divine design have been gathered together in human beings; we have been created to be the divine design in form: 4219, 4220, 4223, 4523, 4524, 5114, 6013, 6057, 6605, 6626, 9706, 10156. Because angels are receptive to the divine design from the Lord, they are in the human form-and in a form that is more perfect and beautiful the more receptive they are: 322, 1880, 1881, 3633, 3804, 4622, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 6054, 9879, 10177, 10594. Not only that, the angelic heaven, taken as a whole, is like a human being in respect to its form; and this is because the whole heaven, with all its angelic communities, is arranged by the Lord according to the divine design: 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625. We can see from this that the Divine-Human Being is the source of all the above: 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745. It also follows from this that the Lord is the only human being, and that we are human only if we are receptive to what is divine from him: 1894. The more receptive we are, the more we become images of the Lord: 8547.

[3] We are born not with goodness and truth but with evil and falsity, so we are not born into the divine design but into something contrary to that design. That is why we are born in utter ignorance and why, in order to be brought into the divine design and thus become human, we must of necessity be born again-that is, regenerated-which is accomplished by means of divine truths from the Lord and by a life in accord with them: 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10731. When the Lord is regenerating us, he arranges everything in us according to the divine design-that is, according to the form of heaven: 5700, 6690, 9931, 10303. Anyone who is being led by the Lord is being led according to the divine design: 8512. Those who are in the divine design have deeper levels of the mind that are opened into heaven all the way to the Lord; those who are not in the divine design have deeper levels of the mind that are closed: 8513. The more we live according to the divine design, the more intelligence and wisdom we have: 2592.

[4] The Lord governs everything from the inmost to the outermost elements of the design; he governs the inmost elements from the outermost and the outermost from the inmost, and this is how he keeps everything connected and coordinated: 3702, 3739, 6056, 9828. On sequential order and on the last stage of that order, in which sequential elements are all together and yet the order of their succession is preserved: 634, 3691, 4145, 5114, 5897, 6239, 6326, 6465, 8603, 9216, 9828, 9836, 10044, 10099, 10335.

[5] Things that are evil and false are contrary to the design, and yet the Lord still governs them, not according to the design but based on their opposition to it: 4839, 7877, 10778. Things that are evil and false are governed through the laws of permission, and this is done for the sake of the design: 7877, 8700, 10778. Some things are impossible because they are contrary to the divine design-for example, it is impossible for someone whose life is devoted to evil to be saved out of pure mercy, and it is impossible for evil people to be in the company of good people in the other life, among many other things: 8700.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 279

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 279

279. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 279

279. Order. It is from the Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord that Order is, and Divine Good is the essential of Order, Arcana Coelestia 1728, 2258, 8700, 8988. The Lord is order, because Divine Good and Divine Truth are from the Lord, yea, are the Lord, in the heavens and on earth, Arcana Coelestia 1919, 2011, 5110, 5703, 10336, 10619. Divine truths are the laws of order, Arcana Coelestia 2447, 7995. Where order is, there the Lord is present; but where there is no order, there the Lord is not present, Arcana Coelestia 5703. Since Divine Truth is order, and Divine Good the essential of order, therefore each and all things in the universe, in order to be something, have reference to good and truth, because they have reference to order, Arcana Coelestia 2452, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555. Because good is the essential of order, therefore it arranges truths into order; and not conversely, Arcana Coelestia 3316, 3470, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690. The universal heaven, so far as all the angelic societies are concerned, has been arranged by the Lord according to His Divine order, because the Divine of the Lord with the angels constitutes heaven, Arcana Coelestia 6338, 7211, 9128, 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157. For this reason, the form of heaven is a form according to Divine order, Arcana Coelestia 4040-4043, 6607, 9877.

So far as a man lives according to order, and thus so far as he is in good according to Divine truths, which are the laws of order, so far he is a man, Arcana Coelestia 4839. So far indeed as he lives thus, he appears in the other life is a perfect and handsome man; but so far as he does not live thus, so far he appears as a monster, Arcana Coelestia 4839, 6605, 6626. From this it is evident that it is man into whom are collected all things of order, and that from creation man is Divine order in form, Arcana Coelestia 4219, 4220, 4223, 4523, 4524, 5114, 5368, 6013, 6057, 6605, 6626, 9706, 10156, 10472. Because every angel is a recipient of Divine order from the Lord, he is in a human form which is perfect and beautiful according to reception, Arcana Coelestia 322, 1880, 1881, 3633, 3804, 4622, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 6054, 9879, 10177, 10594. The angelic heaven, in its whole aggregate, in form is also like a man; and indeed for this reason that the entire universal heaven, in respect to all the angelic societies therein, has been arranged by the Lord according to Divine order, Arcana Coelestia 2996, 2998, 3624-3629, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625. From this it is evident, that it is the Divine Human from which are all these things, Arcana Coelestia 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745. From this it also follows, that the Lord is the only Man, and that those are men who receive the Divine from Him, Arcana Coelestia 1894. So far as they receive the latter, so far they are images of the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 8547.

A man is not born into good and truth, but into evil and falsity; thus he is not born into Divine order, but into the opposite of order; and on this account it is that he is born into sheer ignorance, and that he must necessarily be born anew, that is, regenerated; which is brought about through Divine truths from the Lord, and through a life according thereto, to the intent that he may be initiated into order, and thus become a man, Arcana Coelestia 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731. When the Lord regenerates a man, He arranges all things with him according to order, that is, according to the form of heaven, Arcana Coelestia 5700, 6690, 9931, 10303. The man who is led by the Lord, is led according to Divine order, Arcana Coelestia 8512. The interiors which are of the mind, with the man who is in Divine order are open into heaven, even to the Lord, but they are closed with him who is not in Divine order, Arcana Coelestia 8513. So far as a man lives according to order, so far he has intelligence and wisdom, Arcana Coelestia 2592.

The Lord governs the first and last things of order, and He governs the first things from the last, and the last things from the first; and thus He holds all things together in connexion and order, Arcana Coelestia 3702, 3739, 6040, 6056, 9828. Concerning successive order; and the ultimate of order, in which things successive are also together in their order, Arcana Coelestia 634, 3691, 4145, 5114, 5897, 6239, 6326, 6465, 8603, 9215, 9216, 9828, 9836, 10044, 10099, 10329, 10335.

Evils and falsities are contrary to order, and still they are governed by the Lord, not according to order, but from order, Arcana Coelestia 4839, 7877, 10778. Evils and falsities are governed through the laws of permission, and indeed for the sake of order, Arcana Coelestia 7877, 8700, 10778. What is opposed to Divine order is impossible; as for instance, that a man who lives in evil can be saved from pure Mercy, and further, that in the other life the evil may be consociated with the good, and many other things, Arcana Coelestia 8700.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 279

279. Of Order.

The Divine truth proceeding from the Lord is the source of order, and the Divine good is the essential of order (n. 1728, 2258, 8700, 8988). The Lord is order, since the Divine good and the Divine truth are from the Lord, yea, are the Lord, in the heavens and on earth (n. 1919, 2011, 5110, 5703, 10336, 10619). Divine truths are the laws of order (n. 2447, 7995). Where order is, the Lord is present, but where order is not, the Lord is not present (n. 5703). As the Divine truth is order, and the Divine good the essential of order, therefore each and all things in the universe have relation to good and truth, that they may be anything, because they have relation to order (n. 2452, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555). Good, because it is the essential of order, disposes truths into order, and not vice versa (n. 3316, 3470, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690). The entire heaven, as to all the angelic societies, is arranged by the Lord according to His Divine order, because the Divine of the Lord with the angels makes heaven (n. 3038, 7211, 9128, 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157). Hence the form of heaven is a form according to Divine order (n. 4040-4043, 6607, 9877).

So far as man lives according to order, thus so far as he lives in good according to Divine truths, which are the laws of order, so far is he a man (n. 4839). Yea, as far as a man thus lives, so far he appears in the other life as a perfect and beautiful man, but so far as he does not thus live, so far he appears as a monster (n. 4839, 6605, 6626). Hence it appears that all things of Divine order are collected together in man, and that from creation he is Divine order in form (n. 4219, 4220, 4223, 4 523, 4524, 5114, 5368, 6013, 6057, 6605, 6626, 9706, 10 10156, 10742). Every angel is in the human form because he is a recipient of Divine order from the Lord, perfect and beautiful according to reception (n. 322, 1880, 1881, 3633, 3804, 4622, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 6054, 9879, 10177, 10594). The angelic heaven also in its whole complex is in the human form, because the whole heaven as to all its angelic societies, is disposed by the Lord according to Divine order (n. 2996, 2998, 3624-3629, 36 36-3643, 3741-3745, 4625). Hence it is evident, that the Divine Human is the source from which all these things are derived (n. 2996-2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745). Hence also it follows that the Lord is the only Man, and that they are men who receive the Divine from Him (n. 1894[1-2]). So far as they receive it, so far they are images of the Lord (n. 8547).

Man is not born into good and truth, but into evil and falsity, thus not into Divine order, but into what is contrary to order, and on this account into mere ignorance, and he ought therefore necessarily to be born anew, that is regenerated, which is done by Divine truths from the Lord, and by a life according to them, to the intent that he may be inaugurated into order, and thus become a man (n. 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731). When the Lord regenerates man, He disposes all things with him according to order, that is, according to the form of heaven (n. 5700, 6690, 9931, 10303). The man who is led by the Lord, is led according to Divine order (n. 8512). The interiors which are of the mind are open into heaven, even to the Lord, with the man who is in Divine order, but shut with him who is not in Divine order (n. 8513). So far as man lives according to order, so far he has intelligence and wisdom (n. 2592).

The Lord rules the firsts and the ultimates of order, and the firsts from the ultimates and the ultimates from the firsts; and thus keeps all things in connection and order (n. 3702, 3739, 6040, 6056, 9828). Of successive order; and of the ultimate of order, in which things successive are together in their order (n. 634, 3691, 4145, 5114, 5897, 6239, 6326, 6465, 8603, 9215, 9216, 9828, 9836, 10044, 10099, 10329, 10335).

Evils and falsities are contrary to order, and still they are ruled by the Lord, not according to order, but from order (n. 4839, 7877, 10778). Evils and falsities are ruled by the laws of permission, and this is for the sake of order (n. 7877, 8700, 10778). What is contrary to Divine order is impossible, as that a man who lives in evil can be saved from mercy alone, as likewise that the evil can be consociated with the good in the other life, and many other things (n. 8700).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 279 (original Latin 1758)

279. De Ordine.

Quod Divinum Verum procedens a Domino sit a quo ordo, et quod Divinum Bonum sit essentiale ordinis (Arcana Coelestia 1728, 2258, 8700, 8988).

Quod Dominus sit Ordo, quoniam Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum sunt a Domino, immo sunt Dominus in caelis et in terris (Arcana Coelestia 1919, 2011, 5110, 5703, 10336, 10619).

Quod Divina vera sint leges ordinis (Arcana Coelestia 2247, [2447?], 799).

Ubi ordo, quod ibi Dominus sit praesens: ubi autem non ordo, quod ibi Dominus non sit praesens (Arcana Coelestia 5703).

Quoniam Divinum Verum est ordo, ac Divinum Bonum essentiale ordinis, quod ideo omnia et singula in universo se referant ad bonum et verum, ut sint aliquid, quia ad ordinem (Arcana Coelestia 2451, [2452?], 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555).

Quod bonum, quia est essentiale ordinis, disponat vera in ordinem, et non vicissim (Arcana Coelestia 3316, 3470, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690).

Quod universum caelum, quoad omnes societates angelicas, a Domino dispositum sit secundum Divinum suum ordinem, quoniam Divinum Domini apud angelos facit caelum (Arcana Coelestia 3038, 7211, 9128, 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157).

Quod inde forma caeli sit forma secundum Divinum ordinem (Arcana Coelestia 4040-4043, 6607, 9877).

Quod quantum homo secundum ordinem vivit, ita quantum in bono secundum Divina vera, quae sunt leges ordinis, tantum sit homo (Arcana Coelestia 4839).

Immo, quantum ita vivit, quod tantum in altera vita appareat ut homo perfectus pulcher; quantum autem non ita vivit, quod tantum appareat ut monstrum (Arcana Coelestia 4839, 6605, 6626).

Inde patet quod homo sit, in quem omnia ordinis Divini collata sunt, et quod ex creatione sit Divinus ordo in forma (Arcana Coelestia 4219, 4220, 4223, 4523, 4524, 5114, 5368, 6013, 6057, 6605, 6626, 9706, 10156, 10742).

Quod unusquisque angelus, quia est recipiens Divini ordinis a Domino, sit in humana forma, perfecta et pulchra secundum receptionem (Arcana Coelestia 322, 1880, 1881, 3633, 3804, 4622, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 6054, 9879, 10177, 10594).

Quod etiam caelum angelicum in toto complexu sit in forma sicut homo; et hoc quia universum caelum, quoad omnes societates angelicas ibi, a Domino dispositum est secundum Divinum ordinem (Arcana Coelestia 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, [3629?], 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625).

Inde patet quod Divinum Humanum sit a quo omnia illa (Arcana Coelestia 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745).

Inde quoque sequitur quod Dominus sit solus Homo; et quod illi homines sint qui recipiunt Divinum ab Ipso (Arcana Coelestia 1594).

Quantum recipiunt, quod tantum imagines Domini sint (Arcana Coelestia 8547).

Quod homo non nascatur in bonum et verum, sed in malum et falsum: ita non in Divinum ordinem, sed in contrarium ordini; et quod inde sit quod nascatur in meram ignorantiam, et quod ideo necessario e novo debeat nasci, hoc est, regenerari; quod fit per Divina vera a Domino, et per vitam secundum illa, ut in ordinem inauguretur, et sic fiat homo (Arcana Coelestia 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731).

Quod Dominus, cum regenerat hominem, omnia apud illum disponat secundum ordinem, hoc est, secundum formam caeli (Arcana Coelestia 5700, 6690, 9931, 10303).

Quod homo, qui ducitur a Domino, ducatur secundum Divinum ordinem (Arcana Coelestia 8512).

Quod interiora, quae mentis, aperta sint in caelum, usque ad Dominum, illi homini qui in Divino ordine est, et clausa illi qui non in Divino ordine (Arcana Coelestia 8513).

Quod quantum homo vivit secundum ordinem, tantum ei intelligentia et sapientia (Arcana Coelestia 2592).

Quod Dominus regat prima ordinis et ultima, et quod prima ex ultimis et ultima ex primis, et quod sic omnia contineat in nexu et in ordine (Arcana Coelestia 3702, 3739, 6040, 6056, 9828).

De ordine successivo; et de ultimo ordinis, in quo successiva simul sunt etiam in suo ordine (Arcana Coelestia 634, 3691, 4145, 5114, 5897, 6239, 6326, 6465, 8603, 9216, [9215?], 9217, [9216?], 9828, 9836, 10044, 10099, 10329, 10335).

Quod mala et falsa sint contra ordinem, et quod usque a Domino regantur, non secundum ordinem, sed ex ordine (Arcana Coelestia 4839, 7877, 10778).

Quod mala et falsa per leges permissionis regantur, et quod hoc sit propter ordinem (Arcana Coelestia 7877, 8700, 10778).

Quod impossibile sit quod contra Divinum ordinem est; ut quod homo, qui in malo vivit, salvari possit ex sola misericordia; tum quod in altera vita mali consociari possint bonis, et plura alia (Arcana Coelestia 8700).

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