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《白马》 第9节

(一滴水译本 2022)



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The White Horse (New Century Edition 2020) 9

9. There is a spiritual meaning in the Word that is known as “the inner meaning.” No one who does not know what correspondence is can know what the spiritual or inner meaning of the Word is: 2895, 4322. Absolutely everything in the earthly world, right down to the smallest details, corresponds to and therefore means something spiritual: 29873003, 32133227. The spiritual realities to which earthly things correspond take on different guises on the earthly level and therefore are not recognized: 1887, 3632, 8920. Hardly anyone knows where in the Word its divine quality resides, when in fact it is in its inner or spiritual meaning—and people nowadays do not even know that this meaning exists: 4989, 9280. The mystical dimension of the Word is precisely that the contents of its inner or spiritual meaning deal with the Lord, the glorification 1of his human nature, his kingdom, and the church, and not with earthly things that take place in this world: 4923. In many passages the statements of the prophets are unintelligible and therefore of no use apart from their inner meaning: 2608, 8020, 8398 (which provide some examples). For example, the meaning of the white horse in the Book of Revelation (2760 following); the meaning of the keys of the kingdom of the heavens that were given Peter 2(preface to Genesis 22, §9410); the meaning of flesh, blood, bread, and wine in the Holy Supper 3(8682); the meaning of Jacob’s prophecies about his sons in Genesis 49 (6306, 63336465); the meanings of many of the prophecies about Judah and Israel, prophecies that in their literal meaning contradict each other and do not square with [the actual history of] that people (6333, 6361, 6415, 6438, 6444); and countless other passages (2608). More on what correspondence is may be found in Heaven and Hell 87102, 103115, 303310 4.

An overview of the inner or spiritual meaning of the Word: 17671777, 18691879. There is deeper meaning throughout the Word and in every detail of it: 1143, 1984, 2135, 2333, 2395, 2495, 2619. These meanings are not visible in the literal meaning, but they are there within: 4442.


javajava1.On. the meaning of the term “glorification” as applied by Swedenborg to Jesus Christ, see note 1 in New Jerusalem 185. [Editors]

2. On the keys of the kingdom of heaven that were given to Peter, see note 1 in New Jerusalem 316. [Editors]

3. “The Holy Supper” (Latin Sancta Caena) is Swedenborg’s preferred term for Holy Communion or the Eucharist. For an extensive discussion, see True Christianity 698–752. [JSR]

4. Heaven and Hell is one of several works, including those in the present volume, that Swedenborg published in London in 1758. [Editors]

White Horse (Ryder translation 2007) 9

9. In the Word there is a spiritual sense which is called its internal sense.

No one can know what is the spiritual or internal sense of the Word unless he knows what correspondence is: 2895, 4322. Every single thing which is in the natural world, right down to the very least thing, corresponds to something spiritual, and so signifies it: 1886-1889, 2987-3003, 3213-3227. Spiritual things, to which the natural things correspond, appear in nature under another guise, with the result that they are not recognized: 1887, 2395, 8920. Hardly anyone knows where divine quality is in the Word, though it is there in its internal or spiritual sense, the existence of which is not known today: 2899, 4989.

What lies hidden in the Word is nothing other than what its internal or spiritual sense contains, in which the Lord, the glorification of His human form, His kingdom, and His Church are dealt with, and not natural things, which are of the world: 4923. In very many places the prophetical elements are not understood, and so are of no benefit, without the internal sensefrom examples in 2608, 8020, 8398 just as what is signified by the White Horse in the Book of Revelation, from 2760. What is meant by the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven given to Peter: Preface to Genesis 22 and 9410. What is meant by flesh, blood, bread, and wine in the Holy Supper: 8682. What is meant by the prophecies of Jacob concerning his sons: Genesis 49 and 6306, 6333-6465. What is meant by many other prophecies about Judah and Israel which do not match with [aspects of] that nation, and do not coincide with one another in their literal sense: 6333, 6361, 6415, 6438, 6444. In addition there are very many others: 2608. Further, what is said about correspondence may be seen in the work Heaven and Hell, 87-115, 303-310.

Concerning the internal or spiritual sense of the Word in general: 1767-1777, 1869-1879. There is an internal sense in every single part of the Word: 1143, 1984, 2135, 2333, 2395, 2495, 2619. These ideas do not appear in the literal sense but still they are in it: 4442.

White Horse (Willmott translation 1955) 9


No one can know what the spiritual or internal sense of the Word is, unless he knows what correspondence is, (2895, 4322). Each and all things that exist in the natural world, even to the smallest single thing, correspond to spiritual things, and thence signify them, (2890-2893, 2987-3003, 3213-3227), [1886-1889]. Spiritual things, to which natural things correspond, appear in what is natural under another form, so that they are not distinguished, (1887, 2395, 8920). Scarcely anyone knows wherein what is Divine resides in the Word, when nevertheless it is in its internal and spiritual sense, which at this day is not known to exist, (2899, 4989). The mystical element of the Word is no other than that which its internal or spiritual sense contains, and in which the Lord is treated of, the glorification of His Human, His kingdom and the Church, and not natural things which are of the world, (4923). In very many places the prophetic parts would not be understood, and thus would be of no use, without an internal sense, shown by examples, (2608, 8020, 8398). As, for example, what is meant by the White Horse in Revelation, (2760 and following nos.): what by the keys of the kingdom of the heavens given to Peter, (see Preface to Genesis 22, and 9410): what by flesh, blood, bread and wine in the Holy Supper, (8682): what by Jacob's prophecies concerning his sons, (Genesis 49, and 6306, 6333-6465): what by many prophecies concerning Judah and Israel, which do not tally with that nation, and do not agree with one another in the sense of the letter, (6333, 6361, 6415, 6438, 6444), in addition to very many other instances, (2608). Further concerning correspondence may be seen in the work on 87-102, 103-115, 303-310).

Concerning the internal or spiritual sense of the Word in general, (1767-1777, 1869-1879). In each and all things of the Word there is an internal sense, (1143, 1984, 2135, 2333, 2395, 2495, 2619). These things do not appear in the sense of the letter, but nevertheless they are contained within it, (4442).

White Horse (Whitehead translation 1892) 9

9. In the Word there is a spiritual sense, which is called the internal sense. No one can know what the spiritual or internal sense of the Word is, unless he knows what correspondence is (2895, 4322). Each and all things, even the most minute, which are in the natural world, correspond to spiritual things, and thence signify them (2890-2893, 2897-3003, 3213-3227). The spiritual things to which natural things correspond, as assume another appearance in the natural, so that they are not recognized (1887, 2396, 8920). Scarcely anyone knows wherein resides the Divine of the Word, when nevertheless it is in its internal and spiritual sense, which at this day is not known even to exist (2980, 4989). The mystical contents of the Word are no other than those of its internal or spiritual sense, which treats of the Lord, of the glorification of His Human, of His kingdom, and of the church, and not of the natural things which are in the world (4923). The prophetic writings are in many places unintelligible, and therefore of no use, without the internal sense, illustrated by examples (2608, 8020, 8398). As for instance, with respect to what is signified by "the white horse" in Revelation (2760 seq. ). What by "the keys of the kingdom of the heavens," that were given to Peter, see the preface to Genesis 22, and 9410. What by "flesh," "blood," "bread," and "wine," in the Holy Supper (8682). What by the prophecies of Jacob concerning his sons (Genesis 49, 6306, 6333-6465). What by many prophecies concerning Judah and Israel, which by no means tally with that nation, nor in the sense of the letter have any coincidence with their history (6331, 6361, 6415, 6438, 6444). Besides many other instances (2608). More may be seen of the nature of correspondence in the work on Heaven and Hell (87-102, 103-115 and 303-310). Of the internal or spiritual sense of the Word in a summary (1767-1777, 1869-1879). In each and all things of the Word there is an internal sense (1143, 1984, 2135, 2333, 2395, 2495, 2619). Such things do not appear in the sense of the letter, but nevertheless they are within it (4442).

De Equo Albo 9 (original Latin 1758)

9. Quod in Verbo sensus spiritualis sit, qui vocatur Sensus internus. Quod nemo scire possit quid Sensus spiritualis seu internus Verbi, nisi sciat quid Correspondentia, 2895, 4322. Quod omnia et singula, usque ad singularissima, quae in naturali mundo sunt, correspondeant Spiritualibus, et inde significent illa, 2890-2893, 2987-3003, 3213-3227. Quod spiritualia, quibus correspondent naturalia sub alia facie appareant in naturali, ut non internoscantur, 1887, 2396, 8920. Quod vix aliquis sciat, ubinam Divinum in Verbo, cum tamen in Sensu ejus interno et spirituali, qui nescitur hodie, quod sit, 2980, 4989. Quod mysticum Verbi non aliud sit, quam quod Sensus ejus internus seu spiritualis continet, in quo agitur de Domino, de Glorificatione Humani Ipsius, de Regno Ipsius, et de Ecclesia, et non de naturalibus quae in mundo, 4923. Quod Prophetica plurimis in locis non intelligantur, et sic nullius usus sint, absque Sensu interno, ab exemplis, 2608, 8020, 8398. Sicut quid significatur per Equum album in Apocalypsi, 2760 seq: Quid per Claves Regni caelorum Petro datas, Praef: ad Cap: 22 Genesis et 9410. Quid per Carnem, Sanguinem, Panem, Vinum, in Sancta Caena, 8682. Quid per Prophetica Jacobi de filiis suis, Genesis 49, 6306, 6333-6465. Quid per plura Prophetica de Jehudah et Israele, quae non cum illa gente quadrant, nec coincidunt secundum sensum literae, 6333, 6361, 6415, 6438, 6444. Praeter perplura alia, 2608. Porro, quid Correspondentia, videatur in Opere de Coelo et Inferno 87-115, 303-310.

De Sensu interno seu spirituali Verbi in summa, 1767-1777, 1869-1879. Quod in omnibus et singulis Verbi sit Sensus internus, 1143, 1984, 2135, 2333, 2395, 2495, 2619. Quod illa non appareant in sensu literae, sed quod usque sint intus in eo, 4442.

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