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《天堂与地狱》 第175节


175、因为所有与内层对应的事物也代表了它们,所以它们被称为“代表”,因为它们根据天使的内层状态而变化,所以它们也被称为“表象”。尽管如此, 在天堂里出现在天使眼前、并被他们的感官感知到的事物,其出现和被感知恰如世上的事物对世人一样,真实鲜活,甚至还要清晰分明、显而易见得多。天堂里的这种表象被称为真实的表象,因为它们是真实的存在。也会出现不真实的表象,它们是看似存在,却不与内层的事物相对应。{注1}这些以后再作讨论。{注2}





175. 与内层相对应的一切事物也表现内层, 故被称为代表. 它们因照着内层的状态而各不相同, 故被称为表象. 尽管如此, 在天堂显现在天使眼前, 并被他们的感官所感知到的事物却恰如世上的事物显现给世人那样鲜活生动地显现给他们的眼睛和感官, 甚至还要清晰, 逼真, 显著得多. 以这种方式产生于天堂的表象被称为真实的表象, 因为它们真实存在. 也有不真实的表象, 它们是看似存在, 却不与内层相对应的事物. 这些容后再述.

注: 天使所看到的一切事物都是代表(天国的奥秘 1971, 3213-3226, 3342, 3457, 3475, 3485, 9481, 9457, 9576, 9577节). 天堂充满代表(天国的奥秘 1521, 1532, 1619节). 代表随着人越来越深入天堂而越来越优美(天国的奥秘 3475节). 天堂里的代表都是真实的表象, 因为它们来自天堂之光(天国的奥秘 3485节). 神性流注在高层天堂被转变为代表, 并由此在低层天堂也被转变为代表(天国的奥秘 2179, 3213, 9457, 9481, 9576, 9577节). 显现在天使眼前的事物被称为代表, 它们在形式上就像自然界的事物, 因而像世上的事物(天国的奥秘 9457节). 内在事物以这种方式被转变为外在事物(天国的奥秘 1632, 2987-3002节). 通过各种例子说明天堂里代表的性质(天国的奥秘 1521, 1532, 1619-1628, 1807, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1981, 2299, 2601, 2761, 2762, 3217, 3219, 3220, 3348, 3350, 5198, 9090, 10276节). 可见于天堂的一切事物都取决于对应, 并被称为代表(天国的奥秘 3213-3226, 3342, 3475, 3485, 9481, 9457, 9576, 9577节). 相对应的一切事物也代表并同样表示它们所对应之物(天国的奥秘 2896, 2987, 2989-2991, 3002, 3225节).



175. 與天人的內在相對應的一切事物也代表天人的內在, 因此這些事物被稱為"代表"。又因為它們會隨著天人內在的狀態而改變, 故而被稱為"表像,"儘管這些顯現於天人眼中並為其它知覺所感受的事物如同人間的事物那樣逼真, 甚至還要清楚, 鮮明, 顯著得多。以這樣方式而出現在天國的表像被稱為"真實的表像,"因為它們是真實的存在。不過, 也有不真實的表像, 看似存在, 但與天人的內在並無對應。關於這一點, 以後再作進一步的討論。

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Heaven and Hell #175 (NCE, 2000)

175. Since all the things that are responsive to angels' deeper natures also portray them, they are called representations. Since they vary depending on the states of the deeper natures for angels, they are called appearances, even though the things that are visible to angels' eyes in the heavens and are perceived by their other senses appear and are sensed just as vividly as things are for us on earth, in fact far more clearly, crisply, and perceptibly. The appearances that arise in heaven in this way are called real appearances because they do actually come into being. There are also unreal appearances, things that seem to be present but do not correspond to deeper realities. 1But more on this later.


1. All the things that are visible to angels are representations: 1971, 3213-3226, 3457 [3342?], 3475, 3485, 9481, 9574 [9457?], 9576-9577. The heavens are full of representations: 1521, 1532, 1619. The representations are lovelier as one moves more deeply into the heavens: 3475. The representations there are real appearances because they come from heaven's light: 3485. The divine inflow is changed into representations in the higher heavens, and consequently in the lower heavens as well: 2179, 3213, 9457, 9481, 9576-9577. Things are called representations that appear to angels' eyes in forms like those in nature and therefore like things in our world: 9574 [9457?]. Inner things change into outer ones in this way: 1632, 2987-3002. The nature of representations in heaven, illustrated by various examples: 1521, 1532, 1619-1628, 1807, 1973-1974, 1977, 1980-1981, 2299, 2601, 2761-2762, 3217, 3219-3220, 3348, 3350, 5198, 9090, 10278 [10276?]. All the things that are visible in the heavens are in accord with correspondences and are called representations: 3213-3226, 3457 [3342?], 3475, 3485, 9481, 9574 [9457?], 9576-9577. All the things that are responsive also portray and also mean what they respond to: 2890 [2896?], 2987, 2971 [2991?], 2989-2990, 3002, 3225.


Heaven and Hell #175 (Harley, 1958)

175. Since all things that correspond to interiors also represent them, they are therefore called REPRESENTATIVES, and because they are varied in accordance with the state of the interiors of the angels, they are also called APPEARANCES. Nevertheless, the things that appear before the eyes of angels in the heavens and are perceived by their senses, appear and are perceived just as true to life as do things on earth to men, nay rather, much more clearly, distinctly and perceptibly. Appearances of this kind in heaven are called real appearances, because they have real existence. Appearances that are not real also occur, which are such as do appear but do not correspond to interiors. 1These will be treated of in the following pages.


1. With the angels all things that are visible are representatives (Arcana Coelestia 1971, 3213-3226, 3342, 3475, 3485, 9457, 9481, 9576-9577).

The heavens are full of representatives (Arcana Coelestia 1521, 1532, 1619).

The representatives are more beautiful as they are more interior in the heavens (Arcana Coelestia 3475).

As the representatives there are from the light of heaven they are real appearances (Arcana Coelestia 3485).

The Divine influx is turned into representatives in the higher heavens, and therefrom in the lower heavens also (Arcana Coelestia 2179, 3213, 9457, 9481, 9576-9577).

Those things are called representative that appear before the eyes of the angels in such forms as are in nature, that is, such as are in the world (Arcana Coelestia 9457).

Internal things are thus turned into external (Arcana Coelestia 1632, 2987-3002).

What representatives in the heavens are; this made clear by various examples (Arcana Coelestia 1521, 1532, 1619-1628, 1807, 1973-1974, 1977, 1980-1981, 2299, 2601, 2761-2762, 3217, 3219-3220, 3348, 3350, 5198, 9090, 10276).

All things seen in the heavens are in accordance with the correspondences and are called representatives (Arcana Coelestia 3213-3226, 3342, 3475, 3485, 9457, 9481, 9576-9577).

All things that correspond also represent and likewise signify what they correspond to (Arcana Coelestia 2896, 2987, 2989-2991, 3002, 3225).


Heaven and Hell #175 (Ager, 1900)

175. As all things that correspond to interiors also represent them they are called representatives; and as they differ in each case in accordance with the state of the interiors they are called appearances. Nevertheless, the things that appear before the eyes of angels in heaven and are perceived by their senses appear to their eyes and senses as fully living as things on earth appear to man, and even much more clearly, distinctly and perceptibly. Appearances from this source in heaven are called real appearances, because they have real existence. There are appearances also that are not real, which are things that become visible, but do not correspond to interiors. 1These will be treated of further on.


1. All things that are visible to the angels are representative (Arcana Coelestia 1971, 3213-3226, 3342, 3457, 3475, 3485, 9481, 9457, 9576-9577).

The heavens are full of representatives (1521, 1532, 1619).

The representatives are more beautiful as they are more interior in the heavens (3475).

As the representatives there are from the light of heaven they are real appearances (3485).

The Divine influx is turned into representatives in the higher heavens, and therefrom in the lower heavens also (2179, 3213, 9457, 9481, 9576-9577).

Those things are called representative that appear before the eyes of the angels in such form as are in nature, that is, such as are in the world (9457).

Internal things are thus turned into external (1632, 2987-3002).

What representatives in the heavens are; this made clear by various examples (1521, 1532, 1619-1628, 1807, 1973-1974, 1977, 1980-1981, 2299, 2601, 2761-2762, 3217, 3219-3220, 3348, 3350, 5198, 9090, 10276).

All things seen in the heavens are in accordance with correspondences and are called representatives (3213-3226, 3342, 3475, 3485, 9481, 9457, 9576-9577).

All things that correspond also represent and likewise signify what they correspond to (2896, 2987, 2989-2991, 3002, 3225).


De Coelo et de Inferno #175 (original Latin)

175. Quoniam omnia quae interioribus correspondent. etiam repraesentant illa, ideo vocantur Repraesentativa; et quia variantur secundum statum interiorum apud illos, ideo vocantur Apparentiae tametsi illa quae apparent coram oculis angelorum in caelis, et percipiuntur sensibus illorum, ita ad vivum apparent et percipiuntur, sicut illa quae in tellure ab homine, immo multo clarius, distinctius et perceptibilius. Apparentiae, quae in caelis inde sunt, dicuntur apparentiae reales, quia realiter existunt: dantur etiam apparentiae non reales, quae sunt illa quae quidem apparent, sed non correspondent interioribus; 1sed de his in sequentibus.


1. Quod omnia quae apud angelos apparent, sint repraesentativa (1971, 3213-3226, 3457 [3342?] 3475, 3485, 9481, 9574 [9457?] 9576, 9577).

Quod caeli sint pleni repraesentativis (1521, 1532, 1619).

Quod repraesentativa eo pulchriora sint, quo interius in caelis (3475).

Quod repraesentativa ibi sint apparentiae reales, quia a luce caeli (3485).

Quod influxus Divinus vertatur in repraesentativa in caelis superioribus, et inde quoque in caelis inferioribus (2179, 3213, 9457, 9481, 9576, 9577).

Repraesentativa dicuntur quae apparent coram oculis angelorum in talibus formis quales sunt in natura, ita quales sunt in mundo (9574 [9457?]).

Quod interna sic vertantur in externa (1632, 2987-3002). Repraesentativa in caelis qualia, illustratum per varia exempla (1521, 1532, 1619-1628, 1807, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1981, 2299, 2601, 2761, 2762, 3217, 3219, 3220, 3348, 3350, 5198, 9090, 10278 [10276?]).

Quod omnia, quae in caelis apparent, sint secundum correspondentias, et dicantur repraesentativa (3213-3226, 3457 [3342?] 3475, 3485, 9481, 9574 [9457?] 9576, 9577).

Quod omnia quae correspondent, etiam repraesentent, et quoque talia significent (2890 [2896?] 2987, 2971 [2991?] 2989, 2990, 3002, 3005).

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