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《白马》 第12节

(一滴水译本 2022)








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The White Horse (New Century Edition 2020) 12

12. The Word was composed using correspondences and therefore representations. In its literal meaning, the Word was composed entirely by means of correspondences, that is, by means of things that represent and symbolize spiritual realities that have to do with heaven and the church: 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2179, 2763, 2899. This was done so that there would be an inner meaning in the details (2899); so it was done for the sake of heaven, because the inhabitants of heaven do not understand the Word in its literal meaning, which is earthly; they understand it in its inner meaning, which is spiritual (2899). The Lord spoke using correspondences, representations, and symbolic language 1because he spoke from his divine nature: 9049, 9063, 9086, 10126, 10276. This means that the Lord spoke to the world and at the same time to heaven: 2533, 4807, 9049, 9063, 9086. What the Lord said spread through the whole of heaven: 4637.

The historical events recounted in the Word are representative and the individual words used are symbolic: 1540, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2686. The Word could not have been composed in any other style if it was to serve as a means of communication and connection with the heavens: 2899, 6943, 9481. It is an immense mistake for people to belittle the Word because of its seemingly simple and inelegant style and to think that they would accept it if it had been written in a different style: 28783. Indeed, the style and standard mode of writing among the earliest people in general was to use correspondences and representative imagery: 605, 1756, 9942. The early sages enjoyed the Word because of its representative imagery and symbolism: 2592, 2593 (which include evidence from eyewitness experience). If people of the earliest church had read the Word they would have seen what is in its inner meaning clearly what is in its outer meaning dimly: 4493. Jacob’s descendants were led into the land of Canaan because all the places in that land had been given symbolic meaning from the earliest times (1585, 3686, 4447, 5136, 6516), and so that a Word could be composed there in which places would be mentioned because of their inner meaning (3686, 4447, 5136, 6516). All the same, the Word was changed in its outer meaning because of that people, 3although it was not changed in its inner meaning: 10453, 10461, 10603, 10604. A collection of passages from the Word about that people, passages that must, though, be understood in their inner meaning and not literally: 7051. Since that nation symbolized the church and since the Word was written in their community and about them, divine and heavenly things are meant by their names—Reuben, for example, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Ephraim, Joseph, and the rest; and “Judah” in its inner sense means the Lord in respect to heavenly love and also his heavenly kingdom: 3654, 3881, 5583, 5782, 63626381.

[2] To show the nature and characteristics of correspondences and of the representative imagery in the Word, I need to say something further about them. Everything that corresponds to something also represents and therefore means that something, in such a way that the correspondence and the representation unite: 2896, 2899, 2973, 2987, 2989, 2990, 3002, 3225. What correspondence and representation are: 2763, 29873002, 32133226, 33373352, 34723485, 42184228, 9280 (which include evidence from eyewitness experience and examples). For the early people, the most highly prized body of knowledge was knowledge of correspondences and representative imagery (3021, 3419, 4280, 4748, 4844, 4964, 4966, 6004, 7729, 10252); especially among the people of the Near East (5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10252, 10407); in Egypt more than any other region (5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407); but also in other nations, such as Greece and elsewhere (2762, 7729). Today, though, it is one of the lost bodies of knowledge, especially in Europe: 2894, 2895, 2995, 3630, 3632, 3747, 3748, 3749, 4581, 4966, 10252. Nevertheless, this body of knowledge truly does transcend all others, since without it we cannot understand the Word, or the meaning of the rituals of the Jewish church that are described in the Word, or what heaven is like, or what spiritual reality is, or how the inflow of what is spiritual into what is earthly happens, or how the inflow of the soul into the body happens, or a great many other matters: 4280 the references cited . All the things that are visible spirits angels are representative imagery based on correspondences: 1971, 32133226, 3475, 3485, 9457, 9481, 9576, 9577. The heavens are full of representative imagery: 1521, 1532, 1619. The deeper you go into the heavens, the more beautiful and perfect are the images that arise: 3475. What these images show you is real because they come from the light of heaven, which is divine truth; and this is the very essential reality from which everything arises: 3485.

[3] The reason absolutely everything that exists in the spiritual world is represented in the earthly world is that the inner reality clothes itself with suitable materials from the outer world as a means of taking on visible form: 6275, 6284, 6299. Just so, a purpose takes on suitable clothing in order to manifest itself as a means in a lower realm and then to manifest itself as something that results on a still lower level; and when a purpose becomes a result through its means it becomes visible, or takes form before our eyes: 5711. This is illustrated by the inflow of the soul into the body. That is, the soul is clothed with a body that allows those things the soul is thinking and intending to become visible and evident, so when a thought flows down into the body it is represented there by whatever motions and actions 4correspond to it: 2988. Our minds’ emotions are represented so clearly by the various expressions of our faces that they can actually be read there: 47914805, 5695. We can see, then, that within absolutely everything in the material world there lie more deeply hidden some means and some purpose from the spiritual world (3562, 5711), because the things that exist in the material world are the final effects into which prior realities are flowing (4240, 4939, 5651, 6275, 6284, 6299, 9216). It is inner realities that are represented and outer ones that do the representing: 4292. (For more on correspondences and representative imagery, see Heaven and Hell 87102, “There Is a Correspondence of Everything in Heaven with Everything in the Human Being”; §§103115, “There Is a Correspondence of Heaven with Everything Earthly”; and §§170176, “Representations and Appearances in Heaven.”)

[4] Because everything in the material world is symbolic of spiritual and heavenly realities, there were churches in the early times in which all the outer, ritual practices were symbolic. Because of this, these churches were called “symbolic churches”: 920, 1361, 2896. The church established among the children of Israel was a symbolic church: 1003, 2179, 10149. All its rituals were outward practices that symbolized inner realities, aspects of heaven and the church: 4288, 4874. The symbolic practices of the church and its worship came to an end when the Lord came into the world and made himself known, since the Lord opened the inner reaches of the church and since, in the highest sense, everything about that church focused on him: 4835.


1. The Latin here translated “symbolic language” is significativa. On the related verb, significare, “to symbolize,” see note 15 in New Jerusalem 1. [Editors]

2. See Other Planets 23, and note 2 there. [Editors]

3. The phrase “that people” in this passage refers back to the previously mentioned “Jacob’s descendants,” as does the phrase used below, “that nation.” The ultimate referent of all three phrases is the Israelites or ancient Jews. [RS]

4. The word “actions,” which would be actiones in Latin, is read here as an emendation of the word affectiones, “emotions,” in accordance with the language used in the passage cited, Secrets of Heaven 2988. The same emendation is made in New Jerusalem261. [GFD]

White Horse (Ryder translation 2007) 12

12. The Word has been written through correspondences, and thus through representative ideas

The Word as regards its literal sense has been written through correspondences alone, and thus through such things as represent and signify the spiritual aspects of heaven and the Church: 1404, 1408-1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2179, 2763, 2899. This was done because of the internal sense in each particular instance: 2899; thus too for the sake of heaven, since those who are in heaven do not understand the Word according to its literal or natural sense but according to its internal, or spiritual sense: 2899. The Lord spoke through correspondences, through representative and signifying ideas, because He spoke from His divine being: 9049, 9063, 9086, 10126, 10276. The Lord thus spoke directly to the world and at the same time to heaven: 2533, 4807, 9049, 9063, 9086. Whatever the Lord spoke filled the whole of heaven: 14637. The historical narratives of the Word are representative, and their actual words have significances: 1540, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2686. The Word could not have been written in any other style for there to be communication through it with heaven: 2899, 6943, 9401. Those who treat the Word with contempt because of its simple and seemingly uncultivated style, and think that they would accept it if it had been written in a different style, are greatly mistaken: 8783. Also, the manner and style of writing of the most ancient authors was through correspondences and representative ideas: 605, 1756, 9942. I found through my own experience that the wise men of ancient times were delighted by the Word, because they found there representative and significant ideas: 2592-2593. If someone of the most ancient Church had read the Word, he would have seen clearly those things which are in the internal sense and obscurely those things in the external sense: 4493. The sons of Jacob were brought down into the land of Canaan because all places in that land were from very ancient times made representative: 1585, 3686, 4447, 5136, 6516; and so that the Word might be written there, where places were to be named because of their internal meaning: 3686, 4447, 5136, 6516. But in fact the Word in its external sense was altered on account of that people, though not as regards its internal sense: 10453, 10461, 10603-10604. Many passages from the Word are quoted about that nation, which must however be understood according to their internal sense-that is, other than according to the literal sense: 7051. Since that nation represented the Church, and because the Word was written among and about that nation, therefore heavenly ideas were signified by their names, for example Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Ephraim, Joseph and the rest; and by Judah in the internal sense is signified the Lord as regards celestial love, and His heavenly kingdom: 3654, 3881, 5583, 5782, 6362-6381.

So that it may be known what are the correspondences and their nature, and what is the nature of the representations in the Word, something will also be said about those. All things which correspond also represent and then signify something, such that correspondences and representations go together as one: 2896, 2899, 2973, 2987, 2989-2990, 3002, 3225. What those correspondences and representations are, from my own experience and examples: 2763, 2987-3002, 3213-3226, 3337-3352, 3472-3485, 4218-4228, 9280. The knowledge of correspondences and representations was the most important field of knowledge among the ancients: 3021, 3419, 4280, 4749, 4844, 4964, 4966, 6004, 7729, 10252; especially among people in eastern parts: 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10252, 10407; in Egypt more than other places: 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407; even among the Gentiles, for example in Greece and elsewhere: 2762, 7729. But today it is among the lost fields of knowledge, especially in Europe: 2894-2895, 2995, 3630, 3632, 3747-3749, 4581, 4966, 10252. But always that type of knowledge is more important than all others, since without it the Word is not understood; nor are the rites of the Jewish Church which are written about in the Word; nor is it known what the nature of heaven is, nor is it known what that which is spiritual is, nor how it happens that there is an inflowing of the spiritual into the natural, nor how there is an inflowing of the soul into the body, and many other things: 4280, and in passages cited above. All things which appear among spirits and angels are representative in accord with correspondences: 1971, 3213-3226, 3475, 3485, 9457, 9481, 9576-9577. Heaven is full of representations: 1521, 1532, 1619. Representations are more beautiful and perfect the more interior they are in heaven: 3475. Representations there are real appearances since they come from the light of heaven, which is the divine truth; and this itself is the essential part of all things that are in existence: 3485.

The reason why every single thing in the spiritual world is represented in the natural world is that what is internal clothes itself as appropriate in what is its external guise, through which it presents itself visibly, and becomes apparent: 6275, 6284, 6299. Thus, an end clothes itself in suitable guises in order to present itself as a cause in a lower sphere, and then as an effect in a still lower sphere; and when an end passes by way of a cause into an effect, it presents itself visibly, or becomes apparent right before the eyes: 5711.

This is illustrated by the inflowing of the soul into the body: namely, the soul is clothed with such things in the body through which everything it thinks and wishes can present itself and become apparent visibly; therefore when thought flows down into the body it is represented by such gestures and actions as correspond to it: 2988. Quite clearly the feelings of the mind are represented in the face by its various expressions, to such an extent that they are seen there: 4791-4805, 5695. From this it is plain that in every single thing within the natural order there lies hidden deep inside a cause and an end from the spiritual world: 3562, 5711 since things which are in the natural order are final effects, within which are prior causes: 4240, 4939, 5651, 6275, 6284, 6299, 9216. Whatever is internal is that which is represented, and what is external that which serves to represent it: 4292.

What correspondences and representations are may be further seen in the work Heaven and Hell, where the correspondence of all things of heaven with all human things is dealt with: 87-102; the correspondence of heaven with all things of earth: 103-115; and representations and appearances in heaven: 170-176.

Since all things in the natural order are representative of spiritual and celestial realities, in ancient times there were churches in which all the external observances or rituals were representative: 519, 521, 2896. The Church was set up among the children of Israel as a representative church: 1003, 2179, 10149. There all the rituals were external forms representing the internal things of heaven and the Church: 4288, 4874. The representative things of the Church and worship ceased when the Lord came into the world and manifested Himself, because the Lord revealed the internal things of the Church, and all things of that Church, in a supreme sense, had regard to Him: 4835.


1. pervaserint totum caelum (De Equo Albo), impleverint universum coelum (De Nova Hierosolyma). The latter stands closer to what Swedenborg has [...] in the entry in his index which he's drawing on here. On the assumption that De Equo Albo is subsequent to De Nova Hierosolyma, this exemplifies Swedenborg's continual effort to refine his wording, though I'm not sure why he changed from impleo to pervado:' the Revd John Elliott, who has noted many similar refinings.

White Horse (Willmott translation 1955) 12


As to the sense of the letter the Word is written by nothing but correspondences, and so by such things as represent and signify the spiritual things of heaven and the church, (1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2179, 2763, 2899). This was done on account of the internal sense in every particular, (2899). Thus it was for the sake of heaven, since they who are in heaven do not understand the Word according to the sense of its letter, which is natural, but according to the internal sense, which is spiritual, (2899). Because He spoke from the Divine, the Lord spoke by correspondences, representatives and significatives, (9049, 9063, 9086, 10126, 10728). The Lord thus spoke in His own person to the world and to heaven at the same time, (2533, 4807, 9049, 9063, 9086). The things spoken by the Lord reached to the entire heaven, (4637). The historical parts of the Word are representative and the words significative, (1540, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2686). The Word could not have been written in any other style in order that there might be communication and conjunction with the heavens by means of it, (2899, 6943, 9481). They are greatly mistaken who make little of the Word on account of its apparently simple and rough style, and who believe that, had it been written in a different style, they would have accepted the Word, (8783). The most ancient people's manner and style of writing was also by correspondences and representatives, (605, 1756, 9942). The wise people of ancient times were delighted with the Word because of the representatives and significatives therein (from experience, 2592, 2593). If a man of the Most Ancient Church had read the Word, he would have seen those things clearly which are in the internal sense, but obscurely those which are in the external sense, (4493). The sons of Jacob were led forth into the land of Canaan because, from the most ancient times, all places in that land were made representative, (1585, 3686, 4447, 5136, 6516), and so that a Word might be written there, in which places were to be named on account of the internal sense, (3686, 4447, 5136, 6516). On account of that nation, however, the Word as to the external sense was entirely altered but not as to the internal sense, (10453, 10461, 10603, 10604). Many passages concerning that nation are quoted from the Word, which must be understood, however, according to the internal sense, and so in a different way than according to the letter, (7051). Since that nation represented the Church, and because the Word was written among them and about them, therefore Divine heavenly things were signified by their names; as, for example, by Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Ephraim, Joseph and the rest. And, by Judah, in the internal sense is signified the Lord as to celestial love and also His celestial kingdom, (3654, 3881, 5583, 5782, 6362-6381).

So that it may be known what correspondences are, their quality, and the quality of representatives in the Word, something shall also be said about them.

All things which correspond also represent, and hence signify, so that correspondences and representatives are one, (2896, 2897, 2973, 2987, 2989, 2990, 3002, 3225). What correspondences and representatives are, shown from experience and by examples, (2763, 2987-3002, 3213-3226, 3337-3352, 3472-3485, 4218-4228, 9280). Among the ancients the science of correspondences and representations was the pre-eminent science, (3021-3419, 4280, 4748, 4844, 4964, 4966, 6004, 7729, 10252), and principally among the people of the east, (5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10252, 10407); and in Egypt more than in other places, (5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407); and also among the Gentiles, as in Greece and elsewhere, (2762, 7729). But at the present time, especially in Europe, it is among the lost sciences, (2894, 2895, 2995, 3630, 3632, 3747, 3748, 3749, 4581, 4966, 10252). Yet this science is the most excellent of all sciences, since without it the Word is not understood, nor the significance of the rites of the Jewish Church of which we read in the Word; neither is heaven's quality known, nor what is spiritual, nor how there is an influx of the spiritual into the natural, nor the manner of the influx of the soul into the body, besides many other things, (4180, and in passages cited above). All things which appear among angels and spirits are representatives according to correspondences, (1971, 3213-3226, 3475, 3485, 9457, 9481, 9576, 9577). The heavens are full of representatives, (1521, 1532, 1619). Representatives are so far more beautiful and more perfect as they are more interiorly in the heavens, (3475). Representatives therein are real appearances since they are from the light of heaven, which is Divine Truth, and this itself is the essential of all things that come into existence, (3485).

The reason why each and all of those things which are in the spiritual world are represented in the natural world, is that the internal clothes itself with concordant forms in the external, by means of which it renders itself visible and is seen, (6275, 6284, 6299). Thus the end adopts a suitable guise, that it may present itself as the cause in a lower sphere, and then that it may present itself as the effect in a sphere still lower. And when the end, by means of the cause, becomes the effect, it then becomes visible or appears before the eyes, (5711). This may be illustrated by the influx of the soul into the body, namely, that the soul is clothed with such things in the body by means of which all that it thinks and wills can be expressed and manifest in a visible form. Wherefore, when thought flows down into the body, it is represented by such gestures and actions as correspond to it, (2988). The affections of the mind are plainly represented in the face by means of its various expressions to such an extent that they may be observed there, (4791-4805, 5695). Hence it is plain that in each and all things of nature there is interiorly concealed a cause and an end from the spiritual world, (3562, 5711), since the things which are in nature are ultimate effects, within which are things prior, (4240, 4939, 5051, 6275, 6284, 6299, 9216). Internal things are what are represented, and external things are what represent, (4292). What correspondences and representations are may be further seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, wherein it treats of the correspondence of all things of heaven, with all things of man, (87-102); the correspondence of heaven with all things of earth, (103-115); and representatives and appearances in heaven, (170-176).

Since all things in nature are representative of spiritual and celestial things, therefore in ancient times there were Churches in which all the externals, which were rituals, were representative. Those Churches were therefore called representative Churches, (519, 521, 2896). The Church established among the sons of Israel was a representative Church, (1003, 2179, 10149). Therein all the rituals were externals, which represented the internal things which are of heaven and the Church, (4288, 4874). The representatives of the Church and of worship came to an end when the Lord came into the world and manifested Himself, because the Lord revealed the internals of the Church, and because all things of that Church, in a supreme sense, looked to Him, (4835).

White Horse (Whitehead translation 1892) 12

12. The Word is written by correspondences, and thus by representatives. The Word as to the sense of the letter is written by mere correspondences, that is, by such things as represent and signify the spiritual things of heaven and the church (1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2179, 2763, 2899). This was done for the sake of the internal sense, which is there in every part (2899). Consequently for the sake of heaven, since those who are in heaven do not understand the Word according to the sense of its letter, which is natural, but according to the internal sense, which is spiritual (2899). The Lord spoke by correspondences, representatives, and significatives, because He spoke from the Divine (9049, 9063, 9086, 10126, 10728). The Lord thus spoke before the world, and at the same time before heaven (2533, 4807, 9049, 9063, 9086). The things spoken by the Lord went through the whole heaven (4637). The historicals of the Word are representatives, and the words significative (1540, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2687). The Word could not be written in any other style, so that through it there might be communication and conjunction with the heavens (2899, 6943, 9481). They greatly err, who despise the Word on account of the apparent simplicity and rudeness of its style, and who think that they would receive the Word if it had been written in a different style (8783). The method and style of writing which prevailed amongst the most ancient people, was by correspondences and representatives (605, 1756, 9942). The ancient wise men were delighted with the Word, because of the representatives and significatives therein, from experience (2592, 2593). If a man of the Most Ancient Church had read the Word, he would have seen clearly the things contained in the internal sense, and obscurely the things contained in the external sense (449). The sons of Jacob were brought into the land of Canaan, because all the places in that land, from the most ancient times, were made representative (1585, 3686, 4441, 5136, 6516). And thus the Word might be there written, wherein those places should be mentioned for the sake of the internal sense (3686, 4447, 5136, 6416). But nevertheless the Word, as to the external sense was changed for the sake of that nation, but not as to the internal sense (10453, 10461, 10603, 10604). Many passages adduced from the Word concerning that nation, which must be understood according to the internal sense, and not according to the letter (7051). Inasmuch as that nation represented the church, and the Word was written with them and concerning them, therefore Divine celestial things were signified by their names, as by Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Ephraim, Joseph, and the rest: and by "Judah" in the internal sense is signified the Lord as to celestial love, and His celestial kingdom (3654, 3881, 3882, 5583, 5782, 6362-6381).

That it may be known what correspondences are and their nature, and what is the nature of representatives in the Word, something shall be here said concerning them. All things which correspond likewise represent, and thereby signify, so that correspondences and representations are one (2890, 2897, 2971, 2987, 2989-2990, 3002, 3225). The nature of correspondences and representations shown from experience and examples (2702, 2987-3002, 3213-3226, 3337-3352, 3472-3485, 4218-4228, 9280). The science of correspondences and representations was the chief science with the ancients (3021, 3419, 4280, 4749, 4844, 4964, 4965, 6004, 7729, 10252). Especially with the Orientals (5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10252, 10407). And in Egypt more than in other countries (5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407). Also with the Gentiles, as in Greece, and in other places (2762, 7729). But that at this day the science of correspondences and representations is lost, particularly in Europe (2894, 2895, 2994, 3630, 3632, 3747-3749, 37494581, 4966, 10252). Nevertheless this science is more excellent than all other sciences, inasmuch as without it the Word cannot be understood, nor the signification of the rites of the Jewish Church which are recorded in the Word, nor can it be known what the nature of heaven is, nor what the spiritual is, nor in what manner a spiritual influx takes place into what is natural, nor how the case is with respect to the influx of the soul into the body, with many other matters (4180), and in the places above cited. All things which appear before spirits and angels, are representative according to correspondences (1971, 3213-3226, 3457, 3475, 3485, 9481, 9574, 9576, 9577). The heavens are full of representatives (1521, 1532, 1619). Representatives are more beautiful, and more perfect, in proportion as they are more interior in the heavens (3475). Representatives there are real appearances, because they are from the light of heaven which is Divine truth, and which is the very essential of the existence of all things (3485).

The reason why each and all things in the spiritual world are represented in the natural world, is, because what is internal assumes to itself a suitable clothing in what is external, whereby it makes itself visible and apparent (6275, 6284, 6299). Thus the end assumes a suitable clothing that it may exist as the cause in a lower sphere, and afterwards that it may exist as the effect in a sphere still lower; and when the end, by means of the cause, becomes the effect, it then becomes visible, or appears before the eyes (5711). This may be illustrated by the influx of the soul into the body, whereby the soul assumes a clothing of such things in the body as enable it to express all its thoughts and affections in a visible form; wherefore thought, when it flows down into the body, is there represented by such gestures and actions as correspond to it (2988). The affections of the mind are manifestly represented in the face, by the variations of the countenance, so as to be there seen (4791-4805, 5695). Hence it is evident, that in each and all things in nature there lies hidden a cause and an end from the spiritual world (3562, 5711). Since those things which are in nature are the ultimate effects, within which are the prior things (4240, 4939, 5051, 6275, 6284, 6299, 9216). That internal things are the objects represented, and external things the objects representing (4292). What is further meant by correspondences and representations may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, where it treats of the correspondence between all things of Heaven, and all things of Man (87-102). Of the Correspondence of Heaven with all things on Earth (103-115). And of Representatives and Appearances in Heaven (170-176).

Since all things in nature are representative of spiritual and celestial things, therefore in the churches which existed in ancient times, all the externals, which were rituals, were representative, and therefore those churches were called representative churches (519, 521, 2896). The church instituted with the sons of Israel was a representative church (1003, 2179, 10149). All the rituals therein were externals, which represented internals, which are of heaven and the church (4288, 4874). The representatives of the church and of worship ceased when the Lord came into the world and manifested Himself, because the Lord opened the internals of the church, and because all things of that church in the highest sense regarded Him (4832).

De Equo Albo 12 (original Latin 1758)

12. Quod Verbum conscriptum sit per Correspondentias, et sic per Repraesentativa. Quod Verbum quoad Sensum literae conscriptum sit per meras Correspondentias, ita per talia quae repraesentant et significant spiritualia, quae sunt Caeli et Ecclesiae, 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2179, 2763, 2899. Quod hoc factum sit propter Sensum internum in singulis, 2899. Ita propter Caelum, quoniam illi, qui in Caelo sunt, Verbum non intelligunt secundum Sensum literae ejus, qui naturalis, sed secundum Sensum internum, qui spiritualis, 2899. Quod Dominus loquutus sit per Correspondentias, Repraesentativa et Significativa, quia a Divino, 9049, 9063, 9086, 10126, 10728. Quod Dominus sic loquutus sit coram Mundo et simul coram Caelo, 2533, 4807, 9049, 9063, 9086. Quod illa, quae Dominus loquutus est, pervaserint totum caelum, 4637. Quod Historica Verbi sint repraesentativa verba significativa, 1540, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2687. Quod Verbum non alio stylo conscribi potuerit, ut per id communicatio et conjunctio cum Caelis esset, 2899, 6943, 9481. Quod valde errent, qui Verbum propter stylum simplicem et rudem ad apparentiam contemnunt, et qui cogitant quod recepturi Verbum si alio stylo conscriptum fuisset, 8783. Quod etiam modus scribendi et stylus Antiquissimis fuerit per Correspondentias, et Repraesentativa, 605, 1756, 9942. Quod Sapientes antiqui delectati sint Verbo, quia ibi Repraesentativa et Significativa, ab experientia, 2592, 2593. Si homo antiquissimae Ecclesiae legisset Verbum, quod clare vidisset illa quae in Sensu interno sunt, et obscure illa quae in Sensu externo, 449. Quod filii Jacobi in terram Canaanem deducti fuerint, quia omnia loca in illa Terra ab antiquissimis temporibus repraesentativa facta sunt, 1585, 3686, 4447, 5136, 6516. Et sic ut Verbum ibi conscriberetur, in quo Loca nominanda erant propter Sensum internum, 3686, 4447, 5136, 6516. Sed quod usque Verbum quoad Sensum externum immutatum sit propter illam Gentem, non autem quoad Sensum internum, 10453, 10461, 10603, 10604. Plura loca e Verbo de illa Gente allata, quae tamen intelligenda sunt secundum Sensum internum, ita aliter quam secundum literam, 7051. Quoniam Gens illa repraesentabat Ecclesiam, et quia Verbum apud illam et de illa conscriptum est, quod ideo Divina caelestia per Nomina illorum significata sint, ut per Rubenem, Schimeonem, Levi, Jehudam, Ephraimum, Josephum, et reliquos: et quod per Jehudam in Sensu interno significetur Dominus quoad Amorem caelestem, ac Regnum caeleste Ipsius, 3654, 3881, 3585, 5782, 6362-6382. Ut sciatur quid sunt et quales sunt Correspondentiae, et qualia sunt Repraesentativa in Verbo, ideo aliquid de illis quoque dicetur.

Quod omnia quae correspondent, etiam repraesentent, et inde significent, sic ut Correspondentiae et Repraesentationes unum sint, 2890, 2897, 2971, 2987, 2989, 2990, 3002, 3225. Quid Correspondentiae et Repraesentationes, ab experientia et ab exemplis, 2702, 2987-3002, 3213-3226, 3337-3352, 3472-3485, 4218-4228, 9280. Quod Scientia Correspondentiarum et Repraesentationum fuerit praecipua Scientia apud Antiquos, 3021, 3419, 4280, 4749, 4844, 4964, 4965, 6004, 7729, 10252. Imprimis apud Orientales, 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10252, 10407. Quod in Aegypto pro aliis, 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407. Quod etiam apud Gentiles, ut in Graecia, et alibi, 2762, 7729. Sed quod hodie inter Scientias deperditas sit, imprimis in Europa, 2894, 2895, 2995, 3630, 3632, 3747, 3748, 3749, 4581, 4966, 10252. Quod usque illa Scientia praestet omnibus Scientiis, quoniam absque illa non intelligitur Verbum, nec quid significant Ritus Ecclesiae Judaicae de quibus in Verbo, nec scitur quale Caelum, nec quid Spirituale, nec quomodo se habet cum Influxu spirituali in naturale, nec quomodo de influxu animae in corpus, et plura alia, 4180, et in locis supra citatis. Quod omnia quae apud Spiritus et Angelos apparent, sint Repraesentativa secundum correspondentias, 1971, 3213-3226, 3475, 3485, 9481, 9574, 9576, 9577. Quod Caeli sint pleni Repraesentativis, 1521, 1532, 1619. Quod Repraesentativa eo pulchriora et perfectiora existant, quo interius in caelis, 3475. Quod Repraesentativa ibi sint Apparentiae reales, quia a Luce Caeli, quae est divinum Verum: et hoc est ipsum essentiale existentiae omnium, 3485.

Causa, quod omnia et singula, quae in spirituali Mundo sunt, in Mundo naturali repraesententur, est quia Internum se induit convenientibus in Externo, per quae se visibile sistit et apparet, 6275, 6284, 6299. Ita Finis se induit convenientibus, ut se sistat ut Causa in inferiore sphaera, et dein ut se sistat ut Effectus in adhuc inferiore; et cum Finis per Causam fit Effectus, tunc fit visibilis, seu coram oculis apparet, 5711. Haec illustrata per Influxum animae in corpus, quod nempe anima induatur talibus in corpore, per quae omnia quae cogitat et vult, possunt visibiliter sisti et apparere; quare cogitatio cum defluit in corpus, repraesentatur per tales gestus et effectus quae correspondent, 2988. Manifeste affectiones, quae mentis sunt, repraesentantur in facie per varios ejus vultus, adeo ut ibi videantur, 4791-4805, 5695. Inde patet, quod in omnibus et singulis naturae lateat interius causa et finis e spirituali Mundo, 3562, 5711. Quoniam illa, quae in Natura sunt, ultimi effectus sunt, quibus insunt priora, 4240, 4939, 5051, 6275, 6284, 6299, 9216. Quod Interna sint qua repraesentantur, et Externa quae repraesentant, 4292. Quid porro Correspondentiae et Repraesentationes, videatur in Opere de Caelo et Inferno, ubi actum est de Correspondentia omnium Caeli cum omnibus hominis, 87-102. De Correspondentia Caeli cum omnibus Telluris, 103-115. Et de Repraesentativis et Apparentiis in Caelo, 170-176.

Quoniam omnia in Natura repraesentativa Spiritualium et Caelestium sunt, quod ideo antiquis temporibus Ecclesiae fuerint, in quibus omnia Externa, quae erant Ritualia, repraesentativa erant; ideo illae Ecclesiae dictae fuerunt Ecclesiae repraesentativa, 519, 521, 2896. Quod Ecclesia apud Filios Israelis instituta fuerit Ecclesia repraesentativa, 1003, 2179, 10149. Quod omnia Ritualia ibi fuerint Externa, quae repraesentaverunt Interna, quae Caeli et Ecclesiae sunt, 4288, 4874. Quod Repraesentativa Ecclesiae et Cultus cessaverint, cum Dominus in mundum venit, et se manifestavit, quia Dominus Interna Ecclesiae aperuit, et quia omnia Ecclesiae illius in supremo sensu ipsum spectaverunt, 4835.

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