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《圣爱与圣智》 第377节


  370、由于接下来论述的是心和肺与意愿和理解力的对应关系,并且身体的各个部分,即肢体、感觉器官和整个身体内脏,其对应都建立在这个对应的基础上;由于属世事物与属灵事物的对应关系迄今无人知晓,然而在两本书中已得到充分说明,其中一本论述的是天堂和地狱,另一本论述的是创世记和出埃及记的圣言的灵义,书名为《属天的奥秘》(或《天堂的奥秘》),所以我想在此列出这两本书中关于对应的记录和说明。在《天堂与地狱》一书:天堂的一切与人的一切的对应关系(87-102节);天堂的一切与世界的一切的对应关系(103-115节)。在关于创世记和出埃及记的圣言灵义一书,即《属天的奥秘》(或《天堂的奥秘》):脸及其表情与心智情感的对应关系(1568, 2988, 2989, 3631, 4796, 4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306节);身体及其行为举止与理解力和意愿成分的对应关系(2988, 3632, 4215节);总体上感觉的对应关系(4318-4330节);眼睛及其视觉的对应关系(4403-4420节);鼻子、嗅觉的对应关系(4624-4634节);耳朵、听觉的对应关系(4652-4660节);舌头、味觉的对应关系(4791-4805节);手、臂、肩、脚的对应关系(4931-4953节);腰、生殖器官的对应关系(5050-5062节);身体内脏,尤其胃、胸腺、乳糜池、乳糜管、肠系膜的对应关系(5171-5180, 5181, 5189节);脾的对应关系(9698节);腹膜、肾脏、膀胱的对应关系(5377-5385节);肝、肝脏、胆囊管、胰腺管的对应关系(5183-5185节);肠的对应关系(5392-5395, 5379节);骨的对应关系(5560-5564节);皮肤的对应关系(5552-5559节);天堂与人的对应关系(911, 1900, 1982, 2996-2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745, 3884, 4051, 4279, 4403, 4423, 4524, 4525, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632节);存在于自然界及其三个王国中的一切事物对应于出现在灵界中的一切事物(1632, 1831, 1881, 2758, 2990-3003, 3213-3227, 3483, 3624-3649, 4044, 4053, 4116, 4366, 4939, 5116, 5377, 5428, 5477, 8211 9280节);出现在天堂中的一切事物都是对应的形式(1521, 1532, 1619-1625, 1807, 1808, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1981, 2299, 2601, 3213-3226, 3349, 3350, 3475-3585, 3748, 9481, 9570, 9576, 9577节)。《属天的奥秘》一书处处论述了圣言字义与其灵义的对应关系;关于这个主题,也可参看《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》一书(5-26, 27-65节)。

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Divine Love and Wisdom #377 (Dole (2003))

377. I am about to discuss the correspondence of the heart and the lungs with volition and discernment. Upon this rests the correspondence of everything in the body, called the members of the body as a whole, the sensory organs, and the body's viscera. Further, the correspondence of physical things with spiritual ones has not been recognized even though it was fully demonstrated in two works, one of which is Heaven and Hell and the other of which is on the spiritual meaning of the Word in Genesis and Exodus, titled Secrets of Heaven. For all these reasons, I should like now to point out the sections of these two works where I have written explanations of correspondence.

In Heaven and Hell, there is material on the correspondence of everything in heaven with everything in us, 87-102; and on the correspondence of everything in heaven with everything on earth, 103-115.

In the work on the spiritual meaning of the Word in Genesis and Exodus, titled Secrets of Heaven, there is material on the correspondence of the face and its expressions with the feelings of the mind: 1568, 2988, 2989, 3631, 4796, 4797, 4880 [4800], 5195 [5165], 5168, 5695, 9306;

on the correspondence of the body in its motions and actions with matters of discernment and volition: 2988, 3632, 4215;

on the correspondence of the senses in general: 4318-4330;

on the correspondence of the eyes and their sight: 4403-4420;

on the correspondence of the nostrils and smell: 4624-4634;

on the correspondence of the ears and hearing: 4652-4634 [4652-4659];

on the correspondence of the tongue and taste: 4791-4805;

on the correspondence of the hands, arms, legs, and feet: 4931-4953;

on the correspondence of the groin and the reproductive organs: 5050-5062;

on the correspondence of the inner viscera of the body, particularly the stomach, thymus, the cisterna, the chyle and its ducts and the mesentery: 5171-5180, 5189 [5181];

on the correspondence of the spleen: 9698;

on the correspondence of the peritoneum, kidneys, and bladder: 5377-5396 [5377-5391];

on the correspondence of the liver and the ducts of the liver, of the bladder, and of the pancreas: 5183-5185;

on the correspondence of the intestines: 5392-5395, 5379;

on the correspondence of the bones: 5560-5564;

on the correspondence of the skin: 5552-5573;

on the correspondence of heaven with a person: 911, 1900, 1982 [2162], 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745, 3884, 4091 [4041], 4279 [4280], 4423 [4323], 4524, 4525, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632;

on the fact that everything in the physical world and its three kingdoms corresponds to something you can see in the spiritual world: 1632, 1881, 2758, 2890-2893 [2990-2993], 2897-3043 [2987-3003], 3213-3227, 3483, 3624-3649, 4044, 4053, 4156, 4366 [4936], 4939, 5116, 5377, 5428, 4477 [5477], 8211, 9280; that everything you see in heaven is a correspondence: 1521, 1532, 1619-1625, 1807, 1808, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1981, 2299, 2601, 3213-3226, 3348, 3350, 3457 [3475], 3485, 3748 [3747], 9481, 9570, 9576, 9577. The correspondence of the literal meaning of the Word with its spiritual meaning is dealt with throughout, and is also treated in Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 5-26, 27-69.

Divine Love and Wisdom #377 (Rogers (1999))

377. Since we take up in the discussions that follow next a consideration of the correspondence of the heart and lungs with the will and intellect, and on it rests the correspondence of all the body's constituents, which are called in respect to the whole its members, in respect to the senses its organs, and in respect to the body its viscera; and since the correspondence of natural phenomena with spiritual ones has been previously unknown, and yet has been amply shown in two works, one of them dealing with Heaven and Hell, and the other with the spiritual sense of the Word in Genesis and Exodus, titled Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven), I would like to indicate here what we wrote and showed in those two works regarding correspondence.

In the book Heaven and Hell: The correspondence of all the constituents of heaven with all the constituents of the human being, nos. 87-102.

The correspondence of all the constituents of heaven with all the constituents of the world, nos. 103-115.

In the work on the spiritual sense of the Word in Genesis and Exodus, titled Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven): The correspondence of the face and its expressions with the affections of the mind, nos. 1568, 2988-2989, 3631, 4796-4797, 4880, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306.

The correspondence of the body as regards its gestures and actions with constituents of the intellect and will, nos. 2988, 3632, 4215.

The correspondence of the senses in general, nos. 4318-4330.

The correspondence of the eyes and their sight, nos. 4403-4420.

The correspondence of the nose and smell, nos. 4624-4633.

The correspondence of the ears and hearing, nos. 4652-4659.

The correspondence of the tongue and taste, nos. 4791-4805.

The correspondence of the hands, arms, shoulders, and feet, nos. 4931-4952.

The correspondence of the loins and reproductive organs, nos. 5050-5061.

The correspondence of the internal organs of the body, in particular of the stomach, thymus, cisterna chyli and chyle ducts, and mesentery, nos. 5171-5181.

The correspondence of the spleen, no. 9698.

The correspondence of the peritoneum, kidneys and bladder, nos. 5377-5390.

The correspondence of the liver and the hepatic, cystic and pancreatic ducts, nos. 5183-5185.

The correspondence of the intestines, nos. 5392-5395, 5379.

The correspondence of the bones, nos. 5560-5564.

The correspondence of the skin, nos. 5552-5559.

The correspondence of heaven with the human being, nos. 911, 1900, 1928, 2996, 2998, 3624-3648, 3741-3745, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523-4525, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632.

That all the phenomena found in the natural world and its three kingdoms correspond to phenomena appearing in the spiritual world, nos. 1632, 1881, 2758, 2760-2763, 1 2987-3002, 3213-3226, 3483, 3624-3648, 4044, 4053, 4116, 2 4366, 4939, 5116, 5377, 5428, 5477, 8211, 9280.

That all the phenomena appearing in the heavens are correspondent forms, nos. 1521, 1532, 1619-1625, 1807-1808, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980-1981, 2299, 2601, 3213-3226, 3348, 3350, 3475, 3485, 3748, 9481, 9570, 9576-9577.

The latter work deals throughout with the correspondence of the literal meaning of the Word and its spiritual meaning, on which subject see also The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture 5-26, 27-69.


1. The reading 2760-2763 is uncertain. The first edition reads 2890-2893, but in error, it seems. The intended reading may be 2990-2993, but in that case the reference ought to be omitted, as it is followed by what is almost certainly a reference to nos. Arcana Coelestia 2987-3002, which includes those numbers.

2. The reading 4116 is uncertain. The first edition reads 4156, but in error, it seems.

Divine Love and Wisdom #377 (Harley and Harley (1969))

377. Since the correspondence of the heart and lungs with the will and understanding is treated of in the pages immediately following, and since the correspondence of all parts of the body, namely, the members, organs of sense, and viscera of the body, is founded upon this correspondence, and since the correspondence of natural things with spiritual has hitherto been unknown, and yet is amply set forth in two works, one of which treats of HEAVEN AND HELL, and the other, the ARCANA CAELESTIA, of the spiritual sense of the Word in Genesis and in Exodus, I will here indicate what has been written and shown in those two works regarding correspondence. In the work HEAVEN AND HELL: The correspondence of all things of heaven with all things of man (87-102). The correspondence of all things of heaven with all things on earth (103-115). In the work ARCANA CAELESTIA, on the spiritual sense of the Word in Genesis and Exodus: The correspondence of the face and its expression with affections of the mind (Arcana Coelestia 1568, 2988-2989, 3631, 4796-4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306). The correspondence of the body as to its gestures and actions, with things intellectual and voluntary (Arcana Coelestia 2988, 3632, 4215). The correspondence of the senses in general (Arcana Coelestia 4318-4330). The correspondence of the eyes and of sight (Arcana Coelestia 4403-4420). The correspondence of the nostrils and of smell (Arcana Coelestia 4624-4634). The correspondence of the ears and of hearing (Arcana Coelestia 4652-4660). The correspondence of the tongue and of taste (Arcana Coelestia 4791-4805). The correspondence of the hands, arms, shoulders, and feet (Arcana Coelestia 4931-4953). The correspondence of the loins and organs of generation (Arcana Coelestia 5050-5062). The correspondence of the internal viscera, especially of the stomach, thymus gland, of the receptacle and ducts of the chyle, of the mesentery (Arcana Coelestia 5171-5181). The correspondence of the spleen (Arcana Coelestia 9698). The correspondence of the peritoneum, kidneys and bladder (Arcana Coelestia 5377-5385). The correspondence of the liver, and of the hepatic, cystic, and pancreatic ducts (Arcana Coelestia 5183-5185). The correspondence of the intestines (Arcana Coelestia 5392-5395, 5379). The correspondence of the bones (Arcana Coelestia 5560-5564). The correspondence of the skin (Arcana Coelestia 5552-5559). The correspondence of heaven with man (Arcana Coelestia 911, 1900, 1982, 2996-2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745, 3884, 4051, 4279, 4403, 4524-4525, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632). All things that exist in the natural world and in its three kingdoms correspond to all things which appear in the spiritual world (Arcana Coelestia 1632, 1831, 2758, 2990-2993, 2997-3003, 3213-3227, 3483, 3624-3649, 4044, 4053, 4116, 4366, 4939, 5116, 5377, 5428, 5477, 8211, 9280). All things that appear in the heavens are correspondences (Arcana Coelestia 1521, 1532, 1619-1625, 1807-1808, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980-1981, 2299, 2601, 3213-3226, 3349-3350, 3475-3485, 3748, 9481, 9570, 9576-9577). The correspondence of the sense of the letter of the Word and of its spiritual sense is treated of in the ARCANA CAELESTIA throughout; and on this subject see also the DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE (5-26, 27-65).

Divine Love and Wisdom #377 (Ager (1890))

377. Inasmuch as the correspondence of the heart and lungs With the will and understanding is treated of in what now follows, and upon this correspondence is based that of all parts of the body, namely, the members, the organs of the senses, and the viscera throughout the body, and inasmuch as the correspondence of natural things with spiritual has been heretofore unknown, and yet is amply shown in two works, one of which treats of Heaven and Hell and the other, the Arcana Coelestia, of the spiritual sense of the Word in Genesis and Exodus, I will here point out what has been written and shown in those two works respecting correspondence. In the work on Heaven and Hell: The correspondence of all things of heaven with all things of man (n. 87-102). The correspondence of all things of heaven with all things on earth (n. 103-115). In the Arcana Coelestia, the work on the spiritual sense of the Word in Genesis and Exodus: The correspondence of the face and its expressions with the affections of the mind (n. 1568, 2988-2989, 3631, 4796, 4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306). The correspondence of the body, its gestures and actions, with things intellectual and things voluntary (n. 2988, 3632, 4215). The correspondence of the senses in general (n. 4318-4330). The correspondence of the eyes and of their sight (n. 4403-4420). The correspondence of the nostrils and of smell (n. 4624-4634). The correspondence of the ear, and of hearing (n. 4652-4660). The correspondence of the tongue and of taste (n. 4791-4805). The correspondence of the hands, arms, shoulders and feet (n. 4931-4953). The correspondence of the loins and organs of generation (n. 5050-5062). Thy correspondence of the internal viscera of the body, especially of the stomach, thymus gland, the receptacle and ducts of the chyle and lacteals, and of the mesentery (n. 5171-5180, 5181, 5189). The correspondence of the spleen (n. 9698). The correspondence of the peritonaeum, kidneys and bladder (n. 5377-5385). The correspondence of the liver, and of the hepatic, cystic and pancreatic ducts (n. 5183-5185). The correspondence of the intestines (n. 5392-5395, 5379). The correspondence of the bones (n. 5560-5564). The correspondence of the skin (n. 5552-5559). The correspondence of heaven with man (n. 911, 1900, 1982, 2996-2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745, 3884, 4051, 4279, 4403, 4423, 4524, 4525, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632). All things that exist in the natural world and in its three kingdoms correspond to all things which appear in the spiritual world (n. 1632, 1831, 1 8 1881, 2758, 2990-3003, 3213-3227, 3483, 3624-3649, 4044, 4053, 4116, 4366, 4939, 5116, 5377, 5428, 5477, 8211 9280). All things that appear in the heavens are correspondences (n. 1521, 1532, 1619-1625,1807, 1808, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1981, 2299, 2601, 3213-3226, 3 349, 3350, 3475-3585, 3748, 9481, 9570, 9576, 9577). The correspondence of the sense of the letter of the Word and of its spiritual sense is treated of in the Arcana Coelestia throughout; and on this subject see also the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture (n. 5-26, 27-65).

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #377 (original Latin,1763)

377. Quoniam in nunc sequentibus agitur de Correspondentia Cordis et Pulmonis cum Voluntate et Intellectu, et super hac fundatur Correspondentia omnium corporis, quae vocantur membra totius, organa sensuum, et viscera corporis; et quoniam correspondentia naturalium cum spiritualibus hactenus ignota fuerat, et usque ample ostensa est in binis Operibus, quorum unum agit 1 de COELO ET INFERNO, et alterum de Sensu spirituali Verbi in Genesi et in Exodo, quae vocantur ARCANA COELESTIA, velim hic indicare, quid in illis binis operibus de Correspondentia scriptum et ostensum est. In OPERE DE COELO ET INFERNO, de Correspondentia omnium Coeli cum omnibus hominis, 87-102. De Correspondentia omnium Coeli cum omnibus telluris, 103-115. In Opere de Sensu Spirituali Verbi in Genesi et Exodo, quae vocantur ARCANA COELESTIA, De Correspondentia faciei et ejus vultuum cum affectionibus mentis, 1568, 2988, 2989, 3631, 4796, 4797, 4800, 2 5165 3 , 5168, 5695, 9306. De Correspondentia Corporis quoad ejus gestus et actiones cum intellectualibus et voluntariis, 2988, 3632, 4215. De Correspondentia sensuum in communi, 4318-4330. De Correspondentia oculorum et eorum visus, 4403-4420. De Correspondentia narium et odoris, 4624-4633 4 . De Correspondentia aurium et auditus 5 , 4652-4659 6 . De Correspondentia linguae et gustus, 4791-4805. De Correspondentia manuum, brachiorum, humerorum et pedum, 4931-4952 7 . De Correspondentia lumborum et membrorum generationis, 5050-5061 8 . De Correspondentia Viscerum interiorum corporis, in specie ventriculi, thymi, cisternae et ductuum chyli, mesenterii[,] 5171-5180, 5181 9 . De Correspondentia lienis, 9698. De Correspondentia Peritonei, Renum et Vesicae, 5377-5390 10 . De Correspondentia hepatis, tum ductus hepatici, cystici, et pancreatici, 5183-5185. De Correspondentia intestinorum, 5392-5395, 5379. De Correspondentia ossium, 5560-5564. De Correspondentia cutis, 5552-5559 11 12 . De Correspondentia Coeli cum homine, 911, 1900, 1928 13 . 2996, 2998, 3624-3648 14 , 3741-3745, 3884, 4041 15 , 4279, 4523 16 , 4524, 4525, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632. Quod omnia, quae in Mundo naturali et in tribus ejus regnis sunt, correspondeant omnibus quae in Mundo spirituali apparent, 1632, 1881, 2758, 2760-2763 17 , 2987-3002, 18 19 3213-3226 20 , 3483, 3624-3648 21 , 4044, 4053, 4116 22 , 4366, 4939, 5116, 5377, 5428, 5477 23 , 8211, 9280. Quod omnia quae in Coelis apparent, sint Correspondentiae, 1521, 1532, 1619-1625, 1807-1808, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980-1981, 2299, 2601, 3213-3226, 3348, 3350, 3475 24 , 3485, 3748, 9481, 9570, 9576-9577. De Correspondentia sensus literae Verbi et sensus spiritualis ejus ubivis ibi actum est, de qua etiam videatur in DOCTRINA NOVAE HIEROSOLYMAE DE SCRIPTURA SACRA 5-69 25 .


1. Prima editio: agitur

2. Prima editio: 4880.

3. Prima editio: 5195.

4. Prima editio: 4634.

5. Prima editio: auditus.

6. Prima editio: 4634.

7. Prima editio: 4953.

8. Prima editio: 5062.

9. Prima editio: 5189.

10. Prima editio: 5396.

javascript11. Prima editio: 5552.

javascript12. Prima editio: 5573.

javascript13. Prima editio: 1982.

javascript14. Prima editio: 3649.

javascript15. Prima editio: 4091.

javascript16. Prima editio: 4423.

javascript17. 2760-2763 ubi in prima editione 2890-2893. Sed est lectio incerta. Fortasse 2990-2993 legendum est, et tunc ut lapsus pennae omittendum, quia postea legitur 2897-3043, per errorem typo impressum pro 2987 ad 3003, ut videtur.

javascript18. Prima editio: 2897

javascript19. Prima editio: 3043

javascript20. Prima editio: 3227

javascript21. Prima editio: 3649.

javascript22. Lectio incerta. Prima editio: 4156.

javascript23. Prima editio: 4477.

javascript24. Prima editio: 3457.

javascript25. Prima editio: DE DOMINO,

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